Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Titlul Articolului Data Publicării
Tender no. 91170675 for the procurement of visibility products 21/02/2023
Tender no. 83432447 Operational support to the official webpage for refugees 17/02/2023
Concurs de oferte achiziționare 3 calculatoare 16/02/2023
Achiziționare echipamente și mobilier, loc de joacă pentru copii 15/02/2023
Tender no. 83432303 Support in evaluation of project proposals 15/02/2023
Termen extins Cerere de ofertă - achiziții servicii de instruire în domeniul „Anticorupție” , 25.02.2023 13/02/2023
Tender no. 91169810 for professional kitchen equipment 13/02/2023
Tender no. 91170481 for stainless steel furniture and goods for kitchen 10/02/2023
Achiizție vouchere multifuncționale pentru produse nealimentare (îmbrăcăminte și produse de igienă) 10/02/2023
Concurs achiziționare vouchere multifuncționale pentru produse alimentare [extins] 10/02/2023
Tender no. 83431808 for contracting of a qualified national strategic communication consultant to provide communication and visibility services and expertise 08/02/2023
Объявлен конкурс грантов: Принимаются проекты на сумму до 10 000 Евро 08/02/2023
Concurs de granturi anunțat: Se acceptă proiecte până la 10 000 de Euro 08/02/2023
Tender no. 83430474 Consultancy pool of experts on regional and local economic development 06/02/2023
Tender no. 83431260 Development of Project documentation for access road to Free Economic Zone Taraclia 01/02/2023
Tender no. 83430774 Development of standards, curricula and curricular materials for dual VET qualifications 25/01/2023
GIZ - Advisor on Anti-Corruption & Civil Society Engagement 24/01/2023
Anunț pentru contractarea unei companii in vederea furnizării de servicii de suport pentru refugiați 23/01/2023
Anunț pentru achiziționarea voucherelor multifuncționale pentru produse alimentare (cu excepția articolelor de tutungerie și alcool) 23/01/2023
Tender no. 83430527 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services on development and implementing priority policies and drafting legislation related to infrastructure, energy and regional development 23/01/2023
Tender no. 83430379 Development of Industrialization Program of ATU Gagauzia for 2023-2025 19/01/2023
GIZ - Policy Advisor on Integrated Urban Development 19/01/2023
Tender no. 83430208 Support for LPAs in project development on improving public services 19/01/2023
Open Position: Procurements monitoring expert 15/01/2023
Re- announcement - Tender no. 83427766 Supporting the GPO, APO and PCCOCS in organizing information campaigns to improve institutional communication and visibility 13/01/2023
Tender no. 83430025 Support for Grant Applicants in Moldova 13/01/2023
Tender no. 83429964 Developing the forecast for labour market for medium term 12/01/2023
Tender no. 91169821 for musical equipment 12/01/2023
Tender no. 91169813 for procurement of household devices 12/01/2023
Concurs de selectare a unei companii pentru livrarea serviciilor de instruire a reprezentanților organizațiilor societății civile (OSC) din Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord 11/01/2023
Re- announcement - Tender no. 83428955 Support in organising the Official Closing Event 10/01/2023
Tender no. 91169760 for the procurement of pheromone traps 10/01/2023
Tender no. 83429616 Develop the Policy document – National Economic Development Strategy 2024-2030 05/01/2023
Tender no. 83429585 Conducting a national communication campaign and awareness raising activities on Dual VET 04/01/2023
GIZ - Advisor on Economic Cooperation and Private Sector Development 03/01/2023
Schimb regional în cadrul Programului GIZ pentru consolidarea societății civile în țările Parteneriatului estic 15/12/2022
Cerere de oferte – achiziție echipament 14/11/2022
Tender no. 91168160 for the procurement of Kitchen and catering equipment for Social Canteens in Moldova 08/11/2022
Tender no. 83425497 for the contracting of a short-term expert to provide judicial expertise and advice 08/11/2022
GIZ - Communication and Visibility Specialist  08/11/2022
Re-announcement (2)- Tender no. 83417481 Consulting and coaching in transparent financial management for three ministries and public institutions in agri-food sector, health protection and education 07/11/2022
Tender nr. 91167925 Furnizare de mobilier instituțiilor școlare și pre-școlare 07/11/2022
Tender no. 91168018 for the procurement of Vehicles 07/11/2022
Tender no. 83425159 for the contracting of a short-term expert to conduct Training Module for management and staff of the GPO, APO and PCCOCS in Institutional Management and Leadership 04/11/2022
Tender no. 83425155 for the contracting of a short-term expert to conduct Training Module for management and staff of the GPO, APO and PCCOCS in Public Speaking 04/11/2022
Tender no. 83425025 For contracting a local consultant to develop technical specifications/business requirements for design and development of a new web site of the National Integrity Authority 03/11/2022
Tender no. 83425017 Tax and fiscal advice services to assist dual VET partners on implementation of the Law on Dual VET 03/11/2022
Tender nr. 91167692 Furnizarea uniformelor medicale în raioanele Ștefan Vodă, Căușeni și Ungheni în cadrul Proiectului: „Sprijinirea comunităților moldovenești în găzduirea refugiaților ucraineni” 01/11/2022
Tender no. 91167452 Provision of one School bus for the Ungheni School Transport Service within the Project: “Supporting Moldovan communities in hosting Ukrainian refugees” 21/10/2022
GIZ - Office Assistant 21/10/2022
GIZ - Administrative Specialist 20/10/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Diaspora Mobilization 20/10/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Reform Support 20/10/2022
GIZ - Policy Advisor 20/10/2022
Tender no. 83423483 for the contracting of a short-term expert to support the State Chancellery on revision and update of the Government Decision on the establishment of the National Coordination Council for Sustainable Development 19/10/2022
Tender no. 83423450 Supporting the GPO, APO and PCCOCS in elaboration of Brand Book and promotional materials 19/10/2022
Tender no. 91167333 for the procurement of Medical equipment 19/10/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Municipal Services Development in Leova Rayon 18/10/2022
Tender no. 83423168 Training for public actors on integrity and anti-corruption practices to decrease corruption risks in Moldova’s Health sector 17/10/2022
Tender no 83423197 Design Services for renovation / reconstruction of a Day Care Centre in a part of the existing building in Talmaza village, Stefan-Voda district 17/10/2022
Tender no 83423179 Design Services for renovation / reconstruction of a Day Care Centre in a part of the existing building in Ungheni Town, Ungheni district 17/10/2022
Re-announcement - Tender no. 83420708 Events organization services for three national conferences related to three sectors: Education, Health, Agri-food 13/10/2022
Tender no. 91165903 Supply and installation of a Dental equipment package 11/10/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Economic Cooperation and Private Sector Development (Soroca) 11/10/2022
GIZ - Junior Advisor on Economic Policy 10/10/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Economic Cooperation and Private Sector Development 10/10/2022
Tender no. 91166898 for the procurement of furniture for kindergartens 07/10/2022
Tender no. 91165904 Supply and installation of a Digital radiological system and training of the operational staff in Ungheni Hospital within the Project: “Supporting Moldovan communities in hosting Ukrainian refugees” 07/10/2022
Tender no. 91166944 for the procurement of Playground equipment 07/10/2022
Tender no. 91166943 for the procurement of metal furniture 07/10/2022
Tender no. 91166909 for the procurement of Office furniture 06/10/2022
Tender no. 91166908 for the procurement of furniture 06/10/2022
Tender no. 91166906 for the procurement of furniture for kindergartens 06/10/2022
Tender no. 91166902 for the procurement of furniture for kindergartens 06/10/2022
Tender no. 91166895 for the procurement of IT equipment 06/10/2022
Tender no. 91166877 Provision of 1 (one) high performance electric generator and its installation at the Stefan Voda Rayonal Hospital within the Project: “Supporting Moldovan communities in hosting Ukrainian refugees” 06/10/2022
Seminar de instruire „Scrierea cererii de finanțare și managementul proiectului” 05/10/2022
RE-Tender no. 91163660 for the procurement of a minibus 05/10/2022
Invitație la Forumul ONG 04/10/2022
Re- announcement - Tender no. 83418122 Software development services of the National Information System “Registry of Seized and Confiscated Assets” 04/10/2022
Re-announcement - Tender no. 83418592 Support the Straseni district authorities in the development of a Local action plan for three years in the field of energy efficiency in public buildings from Straseni district 30/09/2022
Re-announcement Tender no. 83418590 Support the Straseni district authorities in the development of a Local action plan for three years in the field of energy efficiency in public buildings from Straseni district 30/09/2022
Re-announcement Tender no. 83418586 Support the Straseni district authorities in the development of a Local action plan for three years in the field of energy efficiency in public buildings from Straseni district 30/09/2022
Tender no. 91166383 Procurement of Laptops for Vocational Education and Training Institutions 27/09/2022
GIZ - Project Assistant (Driver) 23/09/2022
GIZ - Communication and Visibility Specialist 23/09/2022
Tender no. 91166374 for the procurement of furniture for refugees 23/09/2022
Tender no. 91166366 for the procurement of furniture for kindergartens 23/09/2022
Tender no. 91166362 for the procurement of furniture for schools and kindergartens 23/09/2022
Tender no. 91166351 for the procurement of furniture for schools and kindergartens 23/09/2022
Tender no. 83420748 Training on integrity and anti-corruption practices for selected public institutions in the agri-food sector 22/09/2022
Re- announcement - Tender no. 83417485 Conducting functional assessment of the placement of the regional offices of PCCOCS 21/09/2022
Tender no. 91166392 for the procurement of Electrical devices 21/09/2022
Tender no. 91166391 for the procurement of Kitchen equipment 21/09/2022
Tender no. 91166389 for the procurement of Medical equipment 21/09/2022
Tender no. 83420732 Provision of consulting and support services for the Project “Re-engineering of Public Services in the Eastern Partnership” implemented by GIZ in the Eastern Partnership 21/09/2022
Lansarea Programului de Granturi Locale „Cetățenii și organizațiile societății civile – împreună împotriva corupției” 19/09/2022
Tender no. 83420031 for procurement of services to support the National Bureau of Statistics in performing the process of information collection for the nationalized SDG indicators (both time-series and metadata) 14/09/2022
Tender no. 91163660 for the procurement of a minibus 13/09/2022
Tender no. 91163659 for the procurement of 5 SUVs 13/09/2022