
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Titlul Articolului Data Publicării
Tender no. 91173312 for the procurement of technical equipment for the Professional School in Rascani 21/06/2023
Tender no. 91173311 for the procurement of technical equipment for the Professional School in Rascani 21/06/2023
Tender no. 91173310 for the procurement of technical equipment for the Professional School in Rascani 21/06/2023
Tender no. 91173308 for the procurement of technical equipment for the Professional School in Rascani 21/06/2023
Tender no. 91173307 for the procurement of technical equipment for the Professional School in Rascani 21/06/2023
Tender no. 91173321 for the procurement of equipment for the Professional School in Ceadir-Lunga 20/06/2023
Tender no. 91173288 for the procurement of equipment for the Professional School in Ceadir-Lunga 20/06/2023
Tender no. 91173287 for the procurement of furniture for the Professional School in Ceadir-Lunga 20/06/2023
Tender no. 91173290 for the procurement of technical equipment for Vocational Education and Training institutions from the left bank of Nistru river 20/06/2023
Tender no. 91173291 for the procurement of IT equipment for Vocational Education and Training institutions from the left bank of Nistru river 20/06/2023
GIZ - Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist 19/06/2023
GIZ - Junior Advisor for Coordination and Cooperation 19/06/2023
GIZ - Advisor 19/06/2023
GIZ -Communication Specialist 19/06/2023
Tender no. 83440606 for contracting 2 short-term local experts in the field of energy efficiency to provide evaluation of bids for offers submitted in the procurement procedures, as part of the Tender Evaluation Committee 02/06/2023
Tender no. 83440124 for contracting a short-term expert to provide support in strengthening the public policy coordination capacities in accordance with the EU acquis in the area of infrastructure and regional development 29/05/2023
Tender no. 83440098 for contracting a company to provide advisory services and support in crisis communication and strategic public relations 29/05/2023
Tender no. 91172608 for the procurement specialized kineto-therapy equipment and accessories 19/05/2023
GIZ - Advisor on Integrated Urban Development in Soroca 19/05/2023
Tender no. 83439318 for procurement of services to support “EU4Business: Fostering the common regional market through quality infrastructure and e-commerce 17/05/2023
Selectarea unei companii pentru livrarea serviciilor de instruire a reprezentanților APL (inclusiv consilieri locali) din Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord 15/05/2023
Tender no. 83438776 Onsite event management during “Moldova Digital Summit 2023” 11/05/2023
Tender no. 83435957 Organization of anti-corruption information campaign for the refugees from Ukraine 11/05/2023
Tender no. 83438647 Assessment of the local development strategy frameworks of Soroca and Comrat 10/05/2023
Tender no. 83438375 for contracting a short-term expert to provide support in the field of strategic communication and content development 09/05/2023
Tender no. 83438374 Consultancy pool of experts in the field of public service improvement 09/05/2023
Tender no. 83436417 (re-advertisement) Development services of the new version of the National Integrity Authority website 09/05/2023
Tender no. 83438226 Development of an interactive map of industrial platforms with virtual tours 08/05/2023
Tender no. 83438100 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide legal expertise 05/05/2023
Tender no. 83438096 for contracting a company to provide services of designing and conducting communication and awareness raising activities within the Policy Advisory Fund project 05/05/2023
Tender no. 83438090 Print services for project activities 05/05/2023
GIZ - Advisor on Policy and Capacity Development (in the regions) 04/05/2023
Invităm tinerii și tinerele din raioanele Cahul și Căușeni să participe la concurs de scurtmetraje anticorupție 03/05/2023
83437784 Develop the draft law on amendments to national legal framework in line with the new law on Industrial Emissions 02/05/2023
Solicitare de Exprimare a interesului pentru executarea unei game de lucrări de construcții și renovare în instituții publice 02/05/2023
GIZ - National Advisor on Security and Risk Management 28/04/2023
GIZ - Advisor on SME Digitalisation 28/04/2023
Tender no. 83437577 for contracting a company for provision of advisory services on legislative and regulatory proposals regarding cybersecurity topics 27/04/2023
Tender no. 83437573 for contracting a short-term expert to provide advisory services on public relations and crisis communication 27/04/2023
Tender no. 83437572 for contracting a short-term expert to support to the State Chancellery in updating the Methodological Guide on completing and endorsing staff schemes 27/04/2023
Tender no. 83437570 for contracting of a short-term expert to support Diaspora Relations Bureau in elaborating a gender-sensitive sectorial public policy document in the area of diaspora 27/04/2023
Tender no. 83437568 for contracting a short-term expert for the provision of expertise on social media communication 27/04/2023
GIZ - Advisor for Youth Empowerment and Engagement 26/04/2023
Tender no. 91171601 for the procurement and installation of medical equipment 20/04/2023
Tender no. 83436421 Community Engagement consulting services 12/04/2023
Tender no. 83436419 for contracting a short-term expert to provide expertise in economic security domain 12/04/2023
Tender no. 83436180 for contracting a short-term expert to provide expertise and support in the area of public finances 10/04/2023
GIZ - Advisor on Economic Cooperation and Private Sector Development 07/04/2023
Cerere de ofertă – achiziția de materiale de vizibilitate 07/04/2023
Tender no. 83435997 Support the coordination of SMEs Development Fund (FACEM) - Coordination expert 05/04/2023
Tender no. 83435998 Support the coordination of SMEs Development Fund (FACEM) - Technical expert 05/04/2023
Tender no. 83435719 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide expertise on asset management 03/04/2023
Tender no. 83435669 for contracting a company to provide support to the State Chancellery in the review of the existing methodological tools and training materials related to the strategic planning and policy development, monitoring and evaluation processes and elaboration of a medium-term Capacity Development Plan 31/03/2023
Tender no. 83435666 for contracting a company to provide support to the State Chancellery in the review and passaportization of the public policy documents 31/03/2023
Tender no. 83435652 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide legal expertise 31/03/2023
Tender no. 83435649 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide support and expertise in communication on security and internal affairs matters 31/03/2023
Tender no. 83435564 for contracting of a short-term expert for provision of expertise and support in foreign policy domain 30/03/2023
Tender no. 83435379 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services in communication and public relations 28/03/2023
Tender no. 83435374 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services on strategic communication 28/03/2023
Tender no. 83435371 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide consultancy on strategic communication and media relations with a strong focus on agriculture domain 28/03/2023
Tender no. 83435369 for contracting of a short-term expert for provision of expertise in the field of economic and macro financial forecast 28/03/2023
Tender no. 83435366 IT Support Services during the implementation of the SEED+ National Node in Moldova 28/03/2023
Tender no. 83435348 for contracting service provider in raising awareness on digital transformation 28/03/2023
Tender no. 83435254 Organisation of SIGMA - GIZ Academy on Digital Transformation in Chisinau, Moldova 27/03/2023
Tender no. 83435236 for contracting a short-term expert to provide advisory services in communication and support for strategic public relations and crisis situations 27/03/2023
Tender no. 83435214 For contracting a local Electrical Engineer/Energy Efficiency Specialist to provide technical support and expertise to the project in implementation of energy efficiency and renewable measures for anti-corruption institutions (two public venues) 27/03/2023
Tender no. 83435074 for contracting of a short-term expert to support the Diaspora Relations Bureau in implementing the DAR 1+3 programme 23/03/2023
Agenția de Cooperare Internațională a Germaniei (GIZ Moldova) este interesată să contracteze companii de construcții și contractanți eligibili care se califică să implementeze unul sau mai multe loturi/proiecte de lucrări de construcții și renovare 23/03/2023
Tender no. 83435061 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services on national security, conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding 23/03/2023
Tender no. 83435019 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services on on justice reform 23/03/2023
Tender no 83434747 Organization of a series of events for project activities 20/03/2023
Re-announcement Tender no. 83432784 for the contracting of a short-term expert to support to the State Chancellery in the development of the Civil Society Development Program (CSDP) 15/03/2023
Tender no. 83434123 for contracting of a short-term expert to support Diaspora Relations Bureau in elaborating a gender-sensitive sectorial public policy document in the area of diaspora 13/03/2023
Tender no. 83433911 PR and Communication services 09/03/2023
Tender no. 83433898 Provision of translation and proof-reading services 09/03/2023
Tender no. 83433651 for contracting a short-term expert to provide advisory services on reform of social policies 06/03/2023
Tender no. 91163660 for the procurement of a minibus 06/03/2023
Tender no. 83433645 for contracting of a company to provide advisory services in communication and support for strategic public relations and crisis situations 06/03/2023
GIZ - Financial Specialist 03/03/2023
GIZ - Junior Procurement and Contracting Specialist 03/03/2023
Re- announcement No.2 -Tender no. 83429616 Develop the Policy document – National Economic Development Strategy 2024-2030 03/03/2023
GIZ - Administrative Assistant 03/03/2023
Concurs de granturi prelungit: Se acceptă proiecte până la 10 000 de Euro 28/02/2023
Конкурс грантов продлен: Принимаются проекты на сумму до 10 000 Евро 28/02/2023
Achiizție vouchere multifuncționale pentru produse nealimentare (îmbrăcăminte și produse de igienă) [extins] 27/02/2023
Concurs achiziționare vouchere multifuncționale pentru produse alimentare [extins II] 27/02/2023
Tender no. 91170675 for the procurement of visibility products 21/02/2023
Tender no. 83432447 Operational support to the official webpage for refugees 17/02/2023
Concurs de oferte achiziționare 3 calculatoare 16/02/2023
Achiziționare echipamente și mobilier, loc de joacă pentru copii 15/02/2023
Tender no. 83432303 Support in evaluation of project proposals 15/02/2023
Termen extins Cerere de ofertă - achiziții servicii de instruire în domeniul „Anticorupție” , 25.02.2023 13/02/2023
Tender no. 91169810 for professional kitchen equipment 13/02/2023
Tender no. 91170481 for stainless steel furniture and goods for kitchen 10/02/2023
Achiizție vouchere multifuncționale pentru produse nealimentare (îmbrăcăminte și produse de igienă) 10/02/2023
Concurs achiziționare vouchere multifuncționale pentru produse alimentare [extins] 10/02/2023
Tender no. 83431808 for contracting of a qualified national strategic communication consultant to provide communication and visibility services and expertise 08/02/2023
Объявлен конкурс грантов: Принимаются проекты на сумму до 10 000 Евро 08/02/2023
Concurs de granturi anunțat: Se acceptă proiecte până la 10 000 de Euro 08/02/2023
Tender no. 83430474 Consultancy pool of experts on regional and local economic development 06/02/2023

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