Nathan Associates INC

Titlul Articolului Data Publicării
USAID MISRA Request for Quotation(RfQ-MISRA-080)- Equipment (conference stand) for the Moldova Customs Service Training Centre. 23/12/2024
USAID MISRA Request for Quotation (RfQ-MISRA-079)- IT equipment for Moldovan Custom Service Center. 23/12/2024
USAID MISRA Request for Quotation (RfQ-MISRA-078)- Furniture for the Moldova Customs Service Training Centre. 23/12/2024
Programul USAID Reforme Instituționale și Structurale în Moldova (MISRA) oferă finanțare prin grant pentru crearea primului laborator de investiții pentru studenți în Moldova 18/12/2024
USAID MISRA is looking for a Business Analyst: Credit History Bureaus (readvertised) 16/12/2024
USAID MISRA Request for Quotation(RfQ-MISRA-076)- IT equipment (1 server computer) 11/12/2024
USAID MISRA Request for Proposal (RfP-MISRA-073)- Workshop on change management for Competition Council staff. 10/12/2024
USAID MISRA is looking for a Legal Consultant 09/12/2024
USAID MISRA is looking for a National Legal Expert 05/12/2024
USAID MISRA is looking for a Institutional Strengthening Specialist 04/12/2024
USAID MISRA Request for Proposal (RfP-MISRA-069)- Development of Customs Service Informational System for the Center of Risk Analysis and Intelligence (CRAI). 18/11/2024
USAID MISRA is looking for a National Expert on Transposing the CSDD Directive 05/11/2024
USAID MISRA Request for Proposal (RFP-MISRA-065) - The upgrade of the governmental electronic notification service (MNotify) / Serviciul guvernamental de notificare electronică (MNotify) 31/10/2024
USAID MISRA Request for Proposal (RfP-MISRA-066)- Development of Customs Service Informational System for the Management of Customs Duties, Guarantees, and Payments 31/10/2024
USAID MISRA is looking for a Local Legal Expert in the Maritime sector (for drafting the Naval Transport Code) 01/07/2024
USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) Request for Proposals- RFP-MISRA-034 Development of the new website for the Competition Council 28/12/2023
USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) Request for Quotations - RFQ-MISRA-030-Data entry services from a legacy system into the new "Registry of Routes" 24/11/2023
USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) Request for Quotations - RFQ-MISRA-029- Concept & communication campaign 31/10/2023
USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) Request for Quotations (FRQ-MISRA-025) - design services of informative and promotional materials and video production. 20/10/2023
USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) Request for Quotations (RFQ-MISRA-026) - developing and implementing Social Media Campaigns (long term assignment 12 months) 20/10/2023
USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) Request for Quotations (FRQ-MISRA-027)- Management Event Services 20/10/2023
USAID MISRA is looking for a Legal Consultant in regulation of food service industry sector 11/09/2023
USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) is looking for an Institutional Strengthening Specialist 24/08/2023
USAID MISRA Request for Quotation (RfQ-MISRA-020)- Procurement of the contraband inspection kits, for Moldovan Custom Service. 04/08/2023
USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) - Annual Program Statement (APS) - Improving Business Climate and Public Services in Moldova 02/08/2023
Financial Sector - Investments Specialist 23/01/2023
Nathan Associates is hiring ICT Specialist for USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) 30/12/2022
Nathan Associates is hiring Administrative Assistant for USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) 07/10/2022
Nathan Associates is hiring HR Manager for USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) 07/10/2022
Administrative Assistant for USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) 18/07/2022
USAID MISRA Request for quotations RFQ-MISRA-003 - Modular containers with all working facilities for Moldovan Customs Service 24/06/2022
USAID MISRA Request for quotations - RFQ-MISRA-004 - IT equipment and accessories for MISRA office 24/06/2022
USAID MISRA Request for quotations - IT equipment for Moldovan Customs Service 17/06/2022
Institutional Strengthening Coordinator for USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) 10/06/2022
Component 4 Lead - Strategic Communications for USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) 27/05/2022
Component 3 Lead - Financial Sector Reforms for USAID/Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) 27/05/2022
Monitoring & Evaluation Manager for USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) 27/05/2022

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