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UN Women

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Extended vacancy announcement: Programme Analyst, Women’s Economic Empowerment, SB4.2 (UN Women) 13/02/2025
Extended vacancy announcement: Programme Coordination Analyst, Women Economic Empowerment (UN Women) 13/02/2025
Office Maintenance Assistant (UN Women) 13/02/2025
National Consultant to provide support on strengthening services for assistance and protection of survivors of violence (UN Women) 11/02/2025
UN Women - RFP: Company/Organisation to strength capacity for WEPs Community. 07/02/2025
UN Women: RFQ - Company or Organization to provide video production services - childcare solutions and gender equality 04/02/2025
Extended deadline: National Consultant – legal expert on Chapter 19: Social Protection and Employment EU Gender Equality Acquis (UN Women) 04/02/2025
Extended deadline: National Consultant – Gender expert on Chapter 19: Social Protection and Employment EU Gender Equality Acquis (UN Women) 04/02/2025
UN Women - Call for Proposal (CFP) for Civil Society Organizations/ Consortium (national or international) to deliver comprehensive business capacity building & export support services for women entrepreneurs in Moldova 03/02/2025
Call for Proposals (CFP) to advance women in cutting-edge science, technology, and engineering, by increasing the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity of higher education institutions, and cooperation with technological start-ups and scale-ups to creat 31/01/2025
Extended deadline: Programme Finance Associate 29/01/2025
UN Women: RFQ - Company or Organization to provide Visibility Materials 28/01/2025
National Consultant to support developing a Gender Gap Assessment (multiple positions) - UN Women 28/01/2025
National Consultant – legal expert on Chapter 19: Social Protection and Employment EU Gender Equality Acquis (UN Women) 17/01/2025
National Consultant – Gender expert on Chapter 19: Social Protection and Employment EU Gender Equality Acquis (UN Women) 17/01/2025
UN Women - Extended deadline - National Company/CSO to perform a gender-sensitive value chain analysis of the agriculture and food sectors, with a focus on identifying gaps and potential areas to support the integration and growth of women-led enterprises 16/01/2025
Programme Finance Associate (G6, UN Women) 14/01/2025
Programme Coordination Analyst (UN Women) 14/01/2025
UN Women tender: Company to provide Power Stations 27/12/2024
Project Management Specialist - UN Women deadline extended by 06.01.2025 23/12/2024
Programme Associate, SB3.4 (UN Women) 17/12/2024
Programme Analyst, Women’s Economic Empowerment, SB4.2 (UN Women) 17/12/2024
Consultant on Communications, full time position (UN Women Moldova) 04/12/2024
Project Management Specialist_UN Women Moldova 04/12/2024
UN Women_ RFQ Company/Organization to produce and install furniture for UN Women office 02/12/2024
UN Women_ RFQ Local Companies/Organizations to deliver furniture to GBV Service Providers 15/11/2024
UN Women_ RFQ Local Companies/Organizations to deliver equipment to GBV Service Providers 15/11/2024
Event Management for the WEPs Conference on 6th of December 14/11/2024
National Consultant to provide psychological expertise and capacity building (multiple positions) - UN Women Moldova 11/11/2024
UN Women - National Company/CSO to support UN Women in conducting a situational analysis 06/11/2024
UN Women - Promotional materials and printing services 06/11/2024
National consultant to develop the concept and methodology of collection and analysis of women's entrepreneurship data in support of the National Bureau of Statistic (NBS) 29/10/2024
National consultant to support the National Agency on Preventing and Combatting Violence against Women and Domestic Violence to strengthen the existing mechanisms and practices within the law enforcement sector related to GBV 21/10/2024
Extended Deadline: UN Women - Company or organization to provide IT Equipment 04/10/2024
Extended Deadline: UN Women - Company or organization to provide IT Equipment 27/09/2024
Extended Deadline: UN Women - Company/Organization to supply vehicles 27/09/2024
Extended deadline: Finance Associate (SB3/5) - UN Women 25/09/2024
Graphic Designer (consultant) - UN Women 24/09/2024
Extended Deadline: UN Women - Company to support the Ministry of Education and Research in the development of the institutional mechanism to prevent and combat sexual harassment for educational institutions 19/09/2024
Extended Deadline: Call for Proposals to implement actions in Moldova aimed at increasing access of women survivors of gender-based violence to qualified legal services 18/09/2024
Extended deadline: National consultant to support the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MLSP) to strengthen data collection and case recording on gender-based violence _ UN Women 03/09/2024
Descoperiți traineri pentru pace: Sergiu Cibotaru – expert în comunicare politică și gândire critică 01/09/2024
Descoperiți Trainerii din cadrul programului Femei Ambasadoare ale Păcii - Elena Sili 31/08/2024
Лагерь Peace Ambassadors Camp для Женщин-Послов Мира 31/08/2024
Tabăra ”Peace Ambassadors Camp” pentru Femei Ambasadoare ale Păcii 31/08/2024
AO „AudiViz” anunță concurs extins de selectare a unui/unei formator/-oare și interpret/-ă de limbajul semnelor pentru organizarea Cursului de învățare a limbajului semnelor pentru echipa „AudiViz” 30/08/2024
AO „AudiViz” anunță concurs de selectare a unui/unei formator/-oare și interpret/-ă de limbajul semnelor pentru organizarea Cursului de învățare a limbajului semnelor pentru echipa „AudiViz” 22/08/2024
Extindere termen - AO „AudiViz” anunță concurs pentru selectarea unui/unei expert/-ă/companie în vederea elaborării paginii web a organizației 22/08/2024
Anunț de Concurs: Selecție Companie pentru Organizarea Peace Ambassadors Camp 21/08/2024
UN Women Moldova_ Specialized national company/organization to conceptualize and implement a national storytelling communication campaign to address violence against women and girls. 20/08/2024
„AudiViz” anunță concurs extins de selectare a unui/unei profesor/-oară pentru organizarea cursurilor de engleză pentru echipa „AudiViz” 15/08/2024
AO „AudiViz” anunță concurs pentru selectarea unui/unei expert/-ă/companie în vederea elaborării paginii web a organizației 15/08/2024
AO AudiViz anunță concurs de selectare a unui/unei profesor/-oară pentru organizarea cursurilor de engleză pentru echipa „AudiViz” 02/08/2024
Extended deadline: Internship within Humanitarian Response and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls area, as part of UN diversity internship programme 31/07/2024
UN Women: RFQ for provision of promotional materials and printing services 30/07/2024
Extended deadline: National Consultant on Public Spaces Accessibility for Women and Girls to support the Scoping Study in Chisinau municipality and the development of the Programme Design 29/07/2024
National Consultant on Ending Violence against Women and Girls (EVAW) to conduct Scoping Study in Chisinau municipality and to develop a Programme Design 29/07/2024
Programme Associate/SB3.5 (Multiple positions) 26/07/2024
Extended deadline: Project Analyst, Gender Sensitive Governance and Budgets (NOA) 24/07/2024
UN Women - Photographer 04/07/2024
UN Women_National Company/NGO to support UN Women in conducting a situational Analysis on the access to justice of women victims/survivors of violence and from other underrepresented groups 01/07/2024
Extended deadline_UN Women_National Company/NGO to support UN Women in conducting a situational Analysis on the access to justice of women victims/survivors of violence and from other underrepresented groups 01/07/2024
UN Women tender: RFP for Leadership Development, Mentorship and Coaching Program for Women in Management - Extended - 11 July 2024. 28/06/2024
UN Women: RFQ for Catering services - 13 July 2024 21/06/2024
UN Women_ RFQ_Provision of Office Acoustic Cabins (Soundproof Office Phone Booth) 12/04/2024
UN Women_Company/Organization to Provide Capacity Building to Local Women’s Organizations 11/04/2024
Women Peace Ambassadors Program backstage news 13/02/2024
UN Women: Company to implement WEPs capacity building and engagement 09/02/2024
Anunț de selectare a participantelor și participanților la instruire în scrierea proiectelor 22/01/2024
Peste 200 de femei ce au obținut funcții publice la nivel local își vor consolida cunoștințele privind buna guvernare și promovarea politicilor sensibile la gen 27/12/2023
Company to provide support for WEE in Trade and Export 28/11/2023
ITB Local Company to supply/produce furniture for kindergartens 25/10/2023
Operations Manager (Open for Moldova Nationals only) 25/10/2023
Extended deadline: UN Women Gender mainstreaming and data analyst to strengthen capacities of the State Labour Inspectorate (national consultant) 09/10/2023
Solicitare oferta de pret servicii de logistica si organizare evenimente 09/10/2023
UN Women Gender mainstreaming and data analyst to strengthen capacities of the State Labour Inspectorate (national consultant) 27/09/2023
UN Women Partnership and Coordination Analyst (Open for Moldova Nationals Only) 30/08/2023
Extended deadline: Organization/ Company or Consortium to provide support to the achievement of the objective of reducing the gender pay gap for equal work or work of equal value, UN Women 22/08/2023
Local company/ies to perform renovation works in childcare premises, UN Women 11/08/2023
UN Women: National consultant to support the institutionalization of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) in Moldova (Open to Moldova Nationals Only) 28/07/2023
Extended: National company/organization to support peace initiatives in the Security Zone 19/07/2023
National Consultant to provide programmatic support on Women Economic Empowerment area, UN Women 05/07/2023
Extended: National Consultant to support private sector companies to implement Women’s Empowerment Principles: Equality Means Business (UN Women) 13/06/2023
UN Women - National Consultant to support private sector companies to implement Women’s Empowerment Principles: Equality Means Business 06/06/2023
Aplică și participă la Academia de Liderism Feminin pentru Pace 12/04/2023
UN Women - National Consultant / Civil works engineer 10/04/2023
Extended deadline: Company/Organization to conduct a series of finance educational activities for women from underrepresented groups, UN Women 07/04/2023
Company to provide audio-video conferencing equipment to UN Women Moldova 24/03/2023
Extended deadline: Company/Organization to conduct a series of finance educational activities for women from underrepresented groups, UN WOMEN 17/03/2023
Extended deadline: UN Women National Consultant to provide a capacity-building programme on Gender Responsive Peacebuilding 06/03/2023
Extended deadline: UN Women National consultant to develop a series of knowledge products, advocacy papers and regulatory policy recommendations to integrate Gender Equality commitments in peace processes 06/03/2023
Deadline Extended: UN Women: Call for Proposal (CFP) for Responsible Parties to advance gender equality and women’s leadership for women aspirants and candidates in political life and diplomacy 22/02/2023
Deadline extended: Call for Proposal for Civil Society Organisation/Consortium to provide increased access to business skills development and business support opportunities for women and girls, both Moldovan citizens and Ukrainian refugees 21/02/2023
UN Women: Deadline Extended: National Consultant with technical expertise on economic issues to support the informal Women´s Advisory Board (WAB) on Sustainable Peacebuilding 20/02/2023
UN Women: Deadline Extended: National Consultant with technical expertise on social issues to support the informal Women´s Advisory Board (WAB) on Sustainable Peacebuilding 20/02/2023
Deadline Extended. UN Women: Strategic Communication Consultant to support the Women in Leadership and Governance Area 14/02/2023
UN Women: National Consultant with technical expertise on community and personal security to support the informal Women´s Advisory Board (WAB) on Sustainable Peacebuilding 14/02/2023
Deadline Extended. UN Women: National Consultant to provide legal expertise on gender equality, including capacity building programmes for central public institutions in line with the Women, Peace and Security Agenda 14/02/2023
Deadline Extended. UN Women: National Consultant with legal background to support the Women in Leadership and Governance Area 14/02/2023
International consultant to provide a capacity building programme on Gender Equality in Peacebuilding for peace process actors 13/02/2023

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