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UN Women: Company to implement WEPs capacity building and engagement

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) is seeking proposals under the RFP:Company to implement WEPs capacity building and engagement.

Link to UNGM:


The deadline is set for 26 February 2024.


Please pay attention that Proposals shall be submitted online through the Quantum system and any quotation sent to the above email shall be disqualified.


Should you require further clarifications on the Request for Procurement, Terms of Reference, or other requirements, kindly communicate using the messaging functionality in the portal.

It shall remain your responsibility to ensure that your proposal will reach the address above on or before the deadline.  Proposals that are received by UN Women after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation.


Thank you and we look forward to receiving your proposal.


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