Consiliul Europei

Titlul Articolului Data Publicării
Council of Europe is hiring an Office Assistant 21/03/2025
Council of Europe launches a call for proposals: Citizens monitoring of the 2025 Parliamentary elections in the polling stations abroad 21/03/2025
Deadline Extention - Call for tenders for the procurement of IT equipment for the People’s Advocate Office of the Republic of Moldova 20/03/2025
Council of Europe is hiring a Project Linguistic Assistant 19/03/2025
Council of Europe is hiring a Senior Project Officer 11/03/2025
Consiliul Europei lansează tender: Achiziționarea de servicii de consultanță pentru elaborarea unui nou proiect de lege privind transparența în procesul decizional în Republica Moldova 10/03/2025
Consiliul Europei lansează tender: Procurare de echipament IT pentru Oficiul Avocatului Poporului din Republica Moldova 03/03/2025
Call for tenders Local consultancy services in the field of electoral assistance 26/02/2025
Termen Extins: Tender internațional pentru dezvoltare de software pentru Curtea Constituțională a Republicii Moldova 14/02/2025
Consiliul Europei angajează manager de proiect 07/02/2025
Council of Europe: Call for Tenders for the purchase of production, printing and publishing services 07/02/2025
International Tender: Dezvoltare de software pentru Curtea Constituțională a Republicii Moldova 21/01/2025
Council of Europe International call for tenders: Development of an IT tool (software) for the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova 06/01/2025
Council of Europe is hiring a Senior Project Officer 21/11/2024
Council of Europe is hiring a Project Officer 21/11/2024
Council of Europe is hiring Project Assistants 21/11/2024
Council of Europe is hiring a Project Linguistic Assistant 19/11/2024
Relaunch of the Call for tender - Local consultancy services – 3 Lots 19/11/2024
Council of Europe Call for tender - Local consultancy services, three lots 04/11/2024
Council of Europe is hiring a Project Officer 04/11/2024
Call for tender - for the provision of conference facilities 18/09/2024
Call for tender - for the provision of catering services 18/09/2024
Call for tender - provision of conference services 11/09/2024
Council of Europe is launching a Call for Tenders 30/07/2024
Council of Europe is hiring Project Assistants 09/02/2024
Assistant Lawyer – Republic of Moldova 09/11/2022
Extension of deadline – Call for proposals “Support to local CSOs to combat stigmatization of vulnerable groups to the Republic of Moldova” 10/05/2022
Call for proposals Support to local CSOs to combat stigmatization of vulnerable groups to the Republic of Moldova 21/04/2022
Call for tenders - Purchase of national consultancy services in the area of preventing and protecting children from violence 25/01/2022

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