Titlul Articolului Data Publicării
UNHCR is looking for a Senior GBV Associate, G7 22/01/2025
UNHCR Moldova - RFQ for the provision of mass distribution of SMS service - Deadline: 08 January 2025 27/12/2024
UNHCR is looking for an Inter-Agency Coordination Associate in Chisinau, Moldova 20/12/2024
UNHCR Moldova - RFQ for the supply of 4 pre-fabricated office units & storage containers to Republic of Moldova - Deadline: 12 December 2024 05/12/2024
UNHCR Moldova - RFQ for the supply of adult diapers - Deadline: 28 November 2024 26/11/2024
Extended - UNHCR Request for the provision of Renovation(Construction) Services for the Sports Gym in Causeni, Republic of Moldova (RFQ 717) - Deadline: 28 November 2024 25/11/2024
UNHCR Moldova - RFQ for the provision of consultancy on position papers development for the socio-economic assessment of refugees and host community members in Moldova - Deadline: 28 November 2024 22/11/2024
UNHCR is looking for a Programme Associate, G6 31/10/2024
UNHCR is looking for a Senior Programme Associate, G7 31/10/2024
UNHCR is looking for a Senior Reporting Assistant 15/10/2024
UNHCR is looking for an Administrative Associate in Chisinau 15/10/2024
UNHCR - Request for Quotation (RFQ 256) - Provision of Renovation Services for 6 Locations in the Republic of Moldova - Deadline: 8 September 2024 21/08/2024
UNHCR Moldova - RFQ for the provision of plants maintenance under a Frame Agreement for 2+1 years 15/08/2024
Communications Intern - UNHCR Moldova 13/08/2024
Assistant Project Control Officer (NOA), Temporay Appointment - UNHCR Moldova 13/08/2024
Extended Deadline: Request for Quotation (RFQ 209) For the provision of Editorial services for 3 books in Republic of Moldova 08/08/2024
UNHCR is looking for a Consultant for Rollout of the Misconduct Disclosure Scheme (MDS) and PSEA 07/08/2024
UNHCR Moldova: Extended Deadline for RFQ for the provision of self-defense and conflict de-escalation workshop with focus on gender-based violence (GBV) in Republic of Moldova 05/08/2024
Extended Deadline: UNHCR RFQ for the provision of consultancy on the economic contribution of refugees in Moldova 01/08/2024
Request for Quotation (RFQ 210) For the provision of team-building services for the UNHCR staff in Republic of Moldova- Deadline 8 of August 29/07/2024
Request for Quotation (RFQ 209) For the provision of Editorial services for 3 books in Republic of Moldova 29/07/2024
RFQ for the provision of consultancy on the economic contribution of refugees in Moldova 16/07/2024
UNHCR is looking for a Senior Community-Based Protection Assistant in Chisinau, Moldova 12/07/2024
UNHCR Moldova is looking for a Localization Strategy Individual Consultant 10/07/2024
Provision of call center services under a Frame Agreement for 1 year duration 09/07/2024
Provision of different furniture types under Frame Agreements 2+1 year 04/06/2024
Provision of design and illustration services under a Frame Agreement 2+1 year 04/06/2024
Provision of Communication Services: Awareness Raising Campaign under a Service Contract 14/05/2024
Supply of meeting Hall (Venue) rental & catering services under Frame Agreements 2+1 year 26/04/2024
Reduce the impact of the conflict on refugees in Moldova & ensure access to humanitarian assistance 26/09/2023
Lecitatie RFP / MDACH / 2022/02 - pentru furnizarea de birou, școală, și alte mobilier 14/11/2022
Apel deschis pentru proiecte privind Inițiativele de Sprijin Comunitar 05/10/2022

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