UNHCR Moldova is looking for a Localization Strategy Individual Consultant

Duration of Assignment: 01 August 2024 - 31 October 2024

Part time

Location: Home based in Moldova, Chisinau. Selected applicant may be required to work from UNHCR premises upon request of supervisor

Travel: May be required within Moldova as per request of supervisor

Overall Purpose and Scope of Assignment:

The Consultant will report to the Senior Development Officer, UNHCR Moldova. The consultant’s primary responsibility is to develop, in collaboration with key stakeholders, 2 local action plans, specifically focusing on Otaci and Ungheni, ensuring these plans are integrated into their respective local development plans. This entails a comprehensive approach to refugee protection and inclusion, embedding these elements within local policies and intervention strategies. Each action plan will be meticulously tailored to address the unique needs and contexts of the municipalities. This process involves extensive stakeholder engagement, including local authorities, civil society organizations, the private sector, and both refugee and host communities, to ensure that the plans are not only relevant but also sustainable and inclusive.

The consultant will leverage existing data and conduct new assessments to accurately identify challenges and opportunities within each municipality, ensuring that the action plans are well-informed and effectively targeted. Furthermore, the consultant will facilitate workshops and consultations to co-create these plans with the active participation of all relevant stakeholders, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment to the successful implementation of the initiatives.

Required level, qualifications, and work experience:

Work experience: The candidate should have experience in development projects, design and/or advocacy for public policy, humanitarian assistance interventions.

Education: Degree in Political Sciences, International Relations, Development Studies, Refugee Protection, or related fields.

Years of Experience: Minimum 5 years of experience working in development sector, public Policy design, humanitarian assistance liaison with governments and local actors, and/or development.
Languages required: Working knowledge of English, Romanian and Russian.


Consultancy fee: MDL 105,137

Payment schedule: Payment of the contract price will be done in three instalments, within 30 days after the successful completion and approval of the deliverables:

Completion and approval of deliverable 1: 30%

Completion and approval of deliverable 2: 30 %

Completion and approval of deliverable 3: 40 %

DSA payment: DSA will be calculated as per UNHCR rules if travel outside of Chisinau is required. 

To learn more about the job and apply please visit Careers (myworkdayjobs.com)

Deadline for applications: 22 July 2024, CET midnight. 

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