Extended - UNHCR Request for the provision of Renovation(Construction) Services for the Sports Gym in Causeni, Republic of Moldova (RFQ 717) - Deadline: 28 November 2024

The UNHCR Representation in Moldova is pleased to announce the publication of a RFQ No. 717 for the provision of Renovation ( Construction) Services for the Sports Gym in Causeni, Republic of Moldova under a Service Contract.

Here is link on demo with description how to apply -  Demo bid submission.mp4

To access the RFQ documents and submit a quotation,  please access the UNHCR ERP Supplier portal . Please log in to the Supplier Portal, then search for the negotiation using the reference number  No. 717  (see  Guidelines for UNHCR suppliers: How to use the supplier portal | UNHCR  , p.39) and prepare your quotation in accordance with the requirements and procedures as set out in this RFQ.

If you have never registered before, register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice or following the instructions in guides available on the UNHCR website:  How to become a supplier | UNHCR . Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.

The deadline for submitting quotations via the Supplier portal is extended until 28/11/2024.

Conditions to consider for the preparation of your quotation:

  • UNHCR will contract the awarded bidder.
  • Site visit is not possible before the deadline for quotation submission.
  • Material and item pricing should correspond to the proposed list and quality of materials.
  • Sub-contracting is governed by the General Conditions of Contract for Civil Works and must be declared.
  • Variation orders, design, bill of quantity modifications and alterations will not be considered either paid unless UNHCR has confirmed acceptance in writing.
  • The quotations in Annex B should be in MDL without VAT and all quotations must be submitted on an all-inclusive basis. Costing revision through the modification or introduction of consumables, items and service elements will not be considered. All-inclusive refers to the total cost of purchasing, delivery, installation and execution of all items in the Bill of Quantities.
  • Requests for advance payments will not be considered.
  • UNHCR will not consider open-ended contracts and adherence to the proposed timeline is requested and monitored. If avoidable delays occur in the proposed execution timeline due to poor planning or negligence, UNHCR may decide to implement liquidated damages at 0.3% of contract value/day, up to 10% of total contract value.
  • UNHCR may prepare an estimate of costing and compare with the quotation for analysis.
  • UNHCR payment terms are within 30 days after successful completion of deliverables according to milestones, receipt of invoice and acceptance by UNHCR. The general payment practice is however faster.
  • The supplier is required to provide a 12-month warranty on all executed works. UNHCR will withhold 5% of the total cost of works within the warranty period. After six months, an inspection of the renovated premises will be conducted and assuming that no deterioration in the condition of the deliverables is identified, 2.5% of the withheld amount will be released. The remaining 2.5% will be paid upon expiry of the warranty period ending upon the 12th month following successful completion of the works and provided that the deliverables continue to meet the agreed-upon standard.

Please note that all communication regarding this RFQ should happen via the Supplier portal. If you experience issues accessing the Cloud ERP, please contact Supply Unit Moldova on  mdachsupply@unhcr.org

We look forward to receiving your quotation via the UNHCR ERP Supplier portal by the designated deadline.

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