Extended Deadline: UNHCR RFQ for the provision of consultancy on the economic contribution of refugees in Moldova

The UNHCR Respresentation in Moldova is requesting qualified service providers to submit a quotation in response to the RFQ No. 179 for the provision of consultancy on the economic contribution of refugees in Moldova under a Service Contract.

To access the RFQ documents and submit a quotation, please access the UNHCR ERP Supplier portal.

If you have never registered before, register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice or following the instructions in guides available on the UNHCR website: How to become a supplier | UNHCR. Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.

Please note that all communication should happen via the Supplier portal. 

The extended deadline for submitting quotations via the Supplier portal is 05/08/2024, 17:30.

If you experience issues accessing the UNHCR Supplier Portal, please contact mdachsupply@unhcr.org 


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