Oficiul Înaltului Comisar ONU pentru Drepturile Omului (OHCHR)

Titlul Articolului Data Publicării
Associate Administrative Officer at OHCHR (UN Human Rights Moldova) 11/06/2024
United Nations for Human Rights Office in Moldova is hiring Associate Administrative Officer, NOB 10/05/2024
Extended deadline until 27 April 2024: Associate Administrative Officer, NOB (OHCHR) 16/04/2024
UN Human Rights Office is hiring Associate Administrative Officer (NOB) 15/03/2024
Extended deadline: OHCHR is looking for a National Consultant on Hate Speech for the civil society from both banks of Nistru/Dniester river 13/09/2023
OHCHR is looking for a National Consultant on Hate Speech for the civil society from both banks of Nistru/Dniester River 04/09/2023
UNDP Moldova: Project Associate - OHCHR component of the Building sustainable and inclusive peace, strengthening trust and social cohesion in Moldova 13/11/2022
OHCHR Moldova is looking for a research company to conduct a survey on the current human rights situation of Roma, including Roma refugees, on both banks of the Nistru river and underlying causes that limit their access to human rights 24/10/2022
OHCHR Consultant to develop the study on human rights situation of Roma, including refugees, on both banks of Nistru river 15/09/2022
Extended deadline: UNDP Moldova: Human Rights Officer – OHCHR component of the Building sustainable and inclusive peace, strengthening trust and social cohesion in Moldova 06/09/2022
OHCHR Consultant to develop a human rights training package for civil servants 31/08/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Associate - OHCHR component of the Building sustainable and inclusive peace, strengthening trust and social cohesion in Moldova 04/08/2022
UNDP Moldova: Human Rights Officer – OHCHR component of the Building sustainable and inclusive peace, strengthening trust and social cohesion in Moldova 04/08/2022
Extended deadline: UNDP Moldova: Project Manager (NPSA-9) - Paradigm Shift to Disability Inclusive Services, Accountability and Governance in Moldova Project 24/03/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Manager (NPSA-9) - Paradigm Shift to Disability Inclusive Services, Accountability and Governance in Moldova Project 09/03/2022
Медиа Академия ООН по правам человека 2021 11/09/2021
OHCHR Lead consultant on mainstreaming human rights-based approach to social work 20/08/2021
OHCHR Mobilization consultant to facilitate the process of mainstreaming human rights-based approach in the initial training of social workers and other specialists in social field 20/08/2021
Raportul Anual de activitate pentru anul 2017 al Consiliului pentru Prevenirea Torturii in Moldova 28/06/2018

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