Council of Europe launches a call for proposals: Citizens monitoring of the 2025 Parliamentary elections in the polling stations abroad
This call for proposals is launched in the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Improving electoral practice in the Republic of Moldova (IEPRM) 2025-2028”. It aims to co-fund national electoral assistance projects focused on monitoring the electoral campaign and E-Day developments for 2025 Parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova in polling stations established abroad. The Council of Europe intends to award 1 (one) grant of a maximum amount of €50.000,00 (fifty thousand Euros). The grant targets CSOs specialised in human rights and electoral issues.
Each application shall contain:
- A completed and signed Application Form (see Appendix I), together with the below supporting documents, must be submitted in electronic form (preferably Word and/or PDF).
- A completed and signed provisional budget must be submitted in electronic form (using the Excel template reproduced in Appendix II).
- Attached other supporting documents:
- Copy of the registration documents, including the certificate as a non-profit organisation (in Romanian);
- Brief Profile of the Organisation of 1 page max.(in English);
- CVs of staff members involved in the proposed project implementation (in English);
- Bank statement for 2024, confirming bank details (in English).
Send these documents in electronic form (Word and/or PDF) to the following e-mail address: Emails should contain the following reference in subject: Grant Proposal VC3951/2025 Election observation
Applications must be received before 11 April 2025 (at 23:59 CET+1).
More information about the call for proposals and the application procedure can be found at: Call for proposals.
APPENDICES to the Call:
Appendix III – Template Grant Agreement (for information only).