Call for tender - purchase of local consultancy services in the field of criminal justice and prevention of human rights violations by the Ombudsperson Institution and the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in the Republic of Moldova

The Council of Europe is currently implementing a Project on “Strengthening the human rights compliant criminal justice system in the Republic of Moldova Phase II”, running from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2028. The Project aims to enhance the protection of human rights for the population of the Republic of Moldova by fostering an effective and functional criminal justice system in line with the European human rights standards.

In that context, the Project is looking for Provider(s) for the provision of local consultancy services in the field of criminal justice and prevention of human rights violations by the Ombudsperson Institution and the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in the Republic of Moldova to be requested by the Council on an as needed basis. The call includes the following lots:

  • Lot 1 concerns provision of local consultancy services to strengthen the institutional independence and operational capacity of the prosecution service in line with the Council of Europe standards and best practices.
  • Lot 2 concerns provision of local consultancy services to enhance the capacities of the criminal justice stakeholders to apply human rights guarantees to criminal proceedings as well as the capacities of the Government Agent Office in executing judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.
  • Lot 3 concerns provision of local consultancy services to enhance the capacities of the criminal justice stakeholders to apply a more humanised approach to criminal sentencing, use of alternatives to imprisonment in criminal cases, resocialisation and restorative justice.
  • Lot 4 concerns provision of local consultancy services to enhance the external monitoring carried out by the Ombudsperson Institution and the National Preventive Mechanism for the prevention of human rights violations within the criminal justice system.
  • Lot 5 concerns provision of local consultancy services in the field of gender equality and mainstreaming in criminal justice system to enhance the observance of human rights in line with the Council of Europe and international standards and best practices.

Deadline for submission of tenders/offers is 06 May 2025 23h59 CET

Interested providers are invited to consult the documentation below and follow the instructions for submission.

Tender File

Act of Engagement

Banner Audit Juridic CICO 300 x 250 px 2


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