Programul Națiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare (PNUD)

Titlul Articolului Data Publicării
Company to provide printing services to facilitate EVRF registration 2024-2025 05/10/2024
National Consultant to support the Police Forensic Centre and NCJE in accreditation to ISO/IEC 17020:2012 (UNDP) 04/10/2024
Driver/Clerk (NPSA-3) - UNDP Moldova/Resilient Communities II Project - 20639 02/10/2024
Consultant to perform data collection in the area of gender-responsive green transition 01/10/2024
Project Officer/Energy (NPSA-8) - UNDP Moldova/Resilient Communities through Women Empowerment, Phase 2 (ResCom 2) - 20689 01/10/2024
Security Guard (NPSA3) - UNDP Moldova/Common Services Account Project - 20984 30/09/2024
Company to develop professional detailed design and costs estimation for first phase of conservation/restauration works of historical building in Bender 29/09/2024
International Capacity Building Consultant for the EPR scheme implementation in Moldova (UNDP) 27/09/2024
National consultant to assist the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv) in the development and/or updating of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Regulations (UNDP) 27/09/2024
Programme Specialist / Climate Change, Environment and Energy Cluster Lead (NOC) - UNDP Moldova Country Office - 20078 26/09/2024
Project Associate (NPSA-7) - UNDP Moldova/Resilient Communities through Women Empowerment, Phase 2 (ResCom 2) - 20875 25/09/2024
Company to develop professional detailed design and costs estimation for conservation/ restauration of cultural heritage object Bell Tower in Vadul Rascov, Soldanesti 25/09/2024
National Tax Consultant 24/09/2024
Team of 2 mediation experts (research and capacity building) to perform desk research, develop context analysis and development plans, provide capacity building and coaching on insider mediation 24/09/2024
Project Officer, Capacity Building and Outreach (NPSA-9) - UNDP Moldova/Resilient Communities through Women Empowerment, Phase 2 (ResCom 2) - 20804 20/09/2024
Project Manager (NPSA-9) - UNDP Moldova/Greening the future, advancing rights and stability (Danish funded) - 20805 20/09/2024
Development of technical design documentation for capital repair and modernization of the Theoretical Lyceum - “Ion Creanga” from Falesti 19/09/2024
National Consultant to act as Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund Advisor to support the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection 19/09/2024
Company to supply GAMS Licenses (General Algebraic Modelling System) 19/09/2024
National Consultant to support local public authorities in funds mobilization for climate change adaptation activities 16/09/2024
Study visit in Romania for the ESA project beneficiaries (UNDP) 09/09/2024
National Consultant for checking beneficiaries' financial reports 07/09/2024
Company to deliver furniture for the UNDP Common Office Space 06/09/2024
Purchase of Drones / Fish-finder devices / Cameras / Tactical Equipment for the Inspectorate for Environmental Protection of Moldova 05/09/2024
National technical consultant for supervising the installation of agro-meteorological and hydrological monitoring equipment 29/08/2024
Selectarea unei companii de construcții care să execute lucrări interioare și exterioare în cadrul Centrului de Îngrijire a Copiilor din cadrul Universității de Stat din Moldova 28/08/2024
Consultant for the Ministry of Environment to support activities of the Donors Environment Coordination Council (UNDP) 26/08/2024
Two consultants for MoEnv for screening waste related legislation (UNDP). 26/08/2024
Programme Specialist / Climate Change, Environment and Energy Cluster Lead - 20078 19/08/2024
National Communication and Outreach Consultant (UNDP) 18/08/2024
Printing services for the communication campaign during elections (UNDP) 16/08/2024
Company to perform the construction of the technological center of innovation and production - IloT Pro Center, Ungheni municipality 14/08/2024
IT Equipment for Cybersecurity Enhancement 14/08/2024
Communication and Outreach Consultant for the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund 13/08/2024
National Legal Consultant to support Ministry of Environment with transposition of EU EMAS related Regulations (UNDP) 08/08/2024
National Legal Consultant for MoE for transposition of EU EMAS related Regulations (UNDP) 08/08/2024
National Consultant for the MoIRD to support EU Integration Pathway (UNDP) 08/08/2024
Labour and Social Protection Policy Expert 08/08/2024
Program de Suport pentru antreprenori și angajați în cadrul Proiectului Elveția-PNUD ”Piețe Reziliente și Inclusive în Moldova” 06/08/2024
Company to provide Call Centre/information support hot-line services to citizens for enrolling in the Energy Vulnerability Fund of the Republic of Moldova. 30/07/2024
Provision of special measuring devices (breathalyzers, laser distance measures and license plate readers) for GPI 30/07/2024
National legal consultant to support the legally based use of the FCMS (UNDP) 27/07/2024
Development of technical design documentation for internal repair works and modernization of sciences classrooms in model schools 26/07/2024
2 (two) National Communication Consultants to support MoE and MoIRD 24/07/2024
Company to support with satellite imageries processing for fulfilment of digital National Farmer Registry (dNFR) objectives 22/07/2024
Company to develop the agro-food market with the construction of the Commercial Hall in Cahul City 22/07/2024
Company to provide the organization of UNDP Moldova Staff Retreat  18/07/2024
Company to implement the support program for households – „Installation of energy efficient biomass boilers in households” 16/07/2024
Company for development, configuration, and deployment of the Automated Information System (AIS) to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and its integration with back-office systems of the Energy Vulnerability Fund (EVF) Informational System and Case Management Informational System. 10/07/2024
International Consultant to provide training, guidance, and technical expertise in the creation of institutional and financial mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of cultural events in Cahul and Ungheni municipalities 10/07/2024
Extended Deadline: Provision of Smart Electricity Meters (3 Lots) 09/07/2024
Extended Deadline: Company to provide Cellebrite Products 08/07/2024
Company to support with satellite imageries processing for fulfilment of digital National Farmer Registry (dNFR) objectives 05/07/2024
Company to conduct the modernization of the Local Area Networks (LAN) in Cahul and Ungheni Mayoralties 05/07/2024
Surface Water Quality National Consultant 04/07/2024
Team of 2 experts (technical and legal) to up-grade and finalize the draft Methodology for the identification of ponds and reservoirs for disposal and provide support for its official approval 04/07/2024
Company to develop Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System in Ungheni 03/07/2024
Extended Deadline: Public Policy Consultant and Social and Gender Consultant to support seven local public authorities to develop local climate change adaptation plans for JSB Project 02/07/2024
Extended Deadline: Provision of Smart Electricity Meters (3 Lots) 01/07/2024
Extended Deadline: Provision of Smart Electricity Meters (3 Lots) 01/07/2024
Extended Deadline: Climate Risk Management Consultant and Disaster Risk Management Consultant to support seven local public authorities to develop local climate change adaptation plans 01/07/2024
National Consultant to integrate the Digital Delivery Unit under the Ministry of Economy and Digitalization 01/07/2024
Extended Deadline: National Consultant for the Agro-meteorological Monitoring 28/06/2024
National Consultant to support a gender responsive review of care systems in the ECA region 27/06/2024
One Financial and one Climate Change Consultant for integration of the Climate Budget Tagging in the Republic of Moldova 27/06/2024
International Consultant to act as Cultural Heritage Expert 26/06/2024
Company to implement the support program for households – „Installation of energy efficient biomass boilers in households” 26/06/2024
One International and one National Consultant to conduct Evaluation of the Phase I of the One UN Joint Action 24/06/2024
National Consultant for screening of water quality related legislation 24/06/2024
Company for the procurement of IT equipment and software for Cahul and Ungheni Mayoralties 13/06/2024
Company to provide services for elaboration of 7 Cyber Security Audits 10/06/2024
Extended Deadline: Provision of Smart Electricity Meters (3 Lots) 10/06/2024
Company to provide restoration of the Biomass Boilers Remote Monitoring Solution 09/06/2024
National Consultant on Left bank (of Nistru River) economic sector analysis and CBM promotion 05/06/2024
JET/ National Consultant on Advanced Smart Metering Pilot 04/06/2024
Extended Deadline: Company to provide Cellebrite Products 04/06/2024
Company to implement the ISO Standards for Clusters-members 31/05/2024
National Legal Consultant to develop and promote climate change related legal framework 31/05/2024
Company to conduct the inventory of the Hydrotechnical Infrastructure within the Dniester River Basin District 30/05/2024
Supply of Workstations for body cameras 23/05/2024
Communication and Outreach Consultant 21/05/2024
EXTENDED DEADLINE: Feasibility study related to the weapons registry in Moldova 21/05/2024
National Consultant to support extension of hydrological monitoring network 16/05/2024
National Consultant to assist public and private users of solid biomass boilers 14/05/2024
Company to perform reconstruction, arrangement and equipment of the Ungheni Industrial Hub 07/05/2024
Procurement of ten minibuses for children transportation 07/05/2024
Consultant on strategic and advisory support related to implementation of the Forensic Case Management System 02/05/2024
Company to Rent Printing Equipment to UNDP and UN Agencies in Moldova under Long Term Agreement basis. 29/04/2024
Company for Development of the computer subsystem 'Electoral Complaints' of State Automated Information System 'Elections' 24/04/2024
National consultant on providing remote assistance for public and private users of solid biomass boilers 24/04/2024
Extended deadline Company to implement an Eco Media Academy capacity development program for young aspiring journalists and/or communication specialists. 23/04/2024
Consultant for Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) 23/04/2024
ICT Capacity Development Consultant 22/04/2024
National Consultant in supporting Local Authority from Moldova in P4EG Development 22/04/2024
National Consultant to conduct an impact assessment of the pilot/demonstration projects to increase energy affordability in residential and public buildings, targeting specifically the most vulnerable and affected groups of population 22/04/2024
National consultant to act as Data Specialist under the evidence-based policy making initiatives 22/04/2024
Company to develop a Network of Insider Mediators and Their Capacity Building for Cross-River Thematic Platforms and Communities (initiation stage). 22/04/2024
Company to implement a Capacity Building Programme for the private sector involved in producing solid biofuels through non-cash support mechanism 22/04/2024
Company to develop educational materials and organize workshops to enhance understanding of the benefits of renewable energy use 22/04/2024
Company to design and implement a ToT Program on defensive tactics/less lethal use of force for the trainers of Police Academy from the Republic of Moldova 22/04/2024