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Consultant to perform data collection in the area of gender-responsive green transition

 The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is currently implementing the Engagement Facility Project, that requires the services of an individual to perform the work described in this document. 

 Expected responsibilities will include:

  • Supporting the facilitation of 15 key informant interviews, 6 FGDs and one online survey;
  • Connecting with local organizations and stakeholders identified by UNDP Moldova, scheduling meetings on an as-needed basis;  
  • Key Informant Interviews:

o Scheduling interviews, using the selection criteria developed by UNDP.

o Using Key Informant Interviews Guide and questions provided by UNDP, facilitating and recording discussions, adhering to ethical guidelines and confidentiality agreements; and

o Making sure there is one other person co-facilitating to transcribe the discussions.

  • Focus Group Discussions:

o Planning and facilitating FGDs, using the selection criteria developed by UNDP; 

o Using Focus Group Discussion Guide and questions provided by UNDP, facilitating, recording and transcribing discussions, adhering to ethical guidelines and confidentiality agreements;

o Submitting interview and FGD reports for all undertakings using reporting templates provided by UNDP.

  • Survey Design and Dissemination:

o Under the guidance of UNDP, developing a strategy for the dissemination of the survey to target respondents, including identifying appropriate channels and methods for distributing to ensure wide participation per UNDP’s survey respondent criteria; and 

o Monitoring and managing the survey distribution process, ensuring high response rates and representative sampling.

  • Data Analysis and Reporting:

o Analyzing the collected data to identify key themes, patterns, and insights; and

o Preparing a comprehensive final report in English, presenting the findings.

o The report should include an introduction, methodology and results.

  • Regular debrief sessions with UNDP Moldova office while conducting research. 


Deadline for submission of proposals: 16 October 2024, 16:30 (GMT+3:00)


For details regarding the vacancy and submission requirements, please visit the page:



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