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UPDATE as of 15 November 2024: Company to supply of IT Equipment and ICT services for the Ministry of Justice

UNDP, through the “Strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Justice of Moldova to deliver on the justice reform mandate” (SMJ) Project hereby invites prospective bidders to submit a bid for ItB24/02940 “Supply of IT Equipment and ICT services for the Ministry of Justice”.

UNDP Moldova aims to enhance the Ministry of Justice's cybersecurity resilience and ICT management capabilities by delivering, installing, and configuring the necessary hardware, software, and infrastructure components. The main objective is to provide the Ministry with a fully operational, integrated and documented solution that is ready for immediate use.

Deadline for submission of bids: 19 November 2024, 16:30 (GMT+2:00)

For details regarding the competition and submission requirements, please visit the page:

UPDATE AS OF 15 NOVEMBER 2024: UNDP published Amendment no.1 that includes the Questions and Answers as of 15 November 2024 and amends Section 5: Schedule of Requirements with 2 minor clarifications. 


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