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Research Monitoring Programme for identification of Water Framework Directive ‘Priority and certain other pollutants’ in the Moldovan Dniester River Basin District

UNDP through the Programme “Supporting the Moldovan authorities in the sustainable management of the Dniester River” kindly requests your quotation for the Request for Quotation no. RfQ24/02963: Research Monitoring Programme for identification of Water Framework Directive ‘Priority and certain other pollutants’ in the Moldovan Dniester River Basin District  

The main objectives of the WFD are:

  • To prevent deterioration of the status of all bodies of water.
  • To achieve good status of all bodies of water. 

Deadline for submission of proposals: 03 January 2024, 16:30 (GMT+2).

For details regarding the competition and submission requirements, please visit the page:


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