Consiliul Europei lansează tender: Achiziționarea de servicii de consultanță pentru elaborarea unui nou proiect de lege privind transparența în procesul decizional în Republica Moldova
The Council of Europe Project „Advancing Media Freedom in the Republic of Moldova” is launching a competitive bidding for procurement of consultancy services towards the development of a new draft law text on transparency in the decision-making process in the Republic of Moldova, under the following lots:
Lot 1 – National legal expertise in the area of transparency and civic participation in the decision-making processes
Lot 2 - International legal expertise in the area of transparency and civic participation in the decision-making processes
Please find enclosed:
We invite you to submit your proposals by latest – 19th of March 2025 (including). Tender shall be submitted by e-mail only to this address:, with the following reference in subject: Tender – law on transparency in the decision-making process.
For this call, tenderers should submit the following documents in English (except for registration and official documents):
- A completed and signed copy of the Act of Engagement (See attached);
- For tenderers subject to VAT only: a quote, describing the financial offer, in line with the requirements of Section C of the Tender File (see above);
- A list of all owners and executive officers, for legal persons only;
- Registration documents, for legal persons only;
- Detailed CV of the applicant demonstrating clearly that the tenderer fulfils the eligibility criteria;
- For legal persons, detailed CVs of each natural person allocated to the execution of the contract demonstrating clearly that they fulfil the eligibility criteria;
- For Lot I and Lot II: Up to three samples of legal drafts, assessments, legal opinion, report, short essay, analysis, presentations or other relevant material produced in the last 5 years relevant for the lot/s the tenderers is applying for shall be submitted.
All questions concerning the tender call should be submitted at least 3 working days before the deadline for the submission of the tenders at the email , with the following reference in subject: Question – law on transparency in the decision-making process.