Extended Deadline: Call for Proposals to implement actions in Moldova aimed at increasing access of women survivors of gender-based violence to qualified legal services

Through this Call for Proposal, UN Women Moldova within the “Women Increased Leadership for Resilient and Peaceful Societies” Programme, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, intends to sign Partner Agreements (PAs) with civil society organizations from Moldova to ensure that women survivors of GBV and those at-risk have greater awareness and knowledge about their rights and increased access to qualified legal services. The proposed intervention size and budget request is for up to USD 100,000.00.

An info session will take place on 23 September 2024 at 10:00 am. Link for connection: https://unwomen.zoom.us/j/97822321171?pwd=KPtPdpHEQN10SWYSipzAkmHIxq8gBw.1

All proposals should be sent by email to the following email address: tender.md@unwomen.org

Submission deadline: 11 October 2024

For more information, please consult the following link: Call for Proposals to implement actions in Moldova aimed at increasing access of women survivors of gender-based violence to qualified legal services | UN Women – Europe and Central Asia 

Contact information

  • Contact person: Iulia Gheorghieș
  • Email: iulia.gheorghies@unwomen.org
  • Telephone: +373 69 203 016

This initiative is implemented in the framework of the “Women Increased Leadership for Resilient and Peaceful Societies” program, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, with interventions in Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and UN Women ECA Regional Office.

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