
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Titlul Articolului Data Publicării
GIZ - Advisor on Economic Cooperation and Private Sector Development in Strașeni 25/08/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Economic Cooperation and Private Sector Development in Leova 25/08/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Economic Cooperation and Private Sector Development in Edineț 25/08/2022
Tender no. 83418237 Organization of a series of events for project closing 25/08/2022
Tender no. 83418230 Conceptualize and produce video, audio spots and layouts for brochures for a communication and awareness raising campaign on dual Vocational Education and Training (VET) 25/08/2022
Tender no. 91165563 Provision of Multi-Functional Devices for the social departments in the rayons of Stefan Voda, Causeni and Ungheni within the Project: “Supporting Moldovan communities in hosting Ukrainian refugees” 25/08/2022
Tender no. 91165502 Provision of medical equipment for the establishment of 2 (two) Day care centres in the rayons of Stefan Voda and Ungheni within the Project: “Supporting Moldovan communities in hosting Ukrainian refugees” 25/08/2022
Tender no. 83418215 Legal consultancy services on construction of the railway grain terminal 25/08/2022
Tender no. 83418198 Development of a masterplan for construction of the railway grain terminal 25/08/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Urban and Regional Development (Municipal Services Development in Straseni Rayon) 24/08/2022
Tender no. 83418096 for procurement of services to support “EU4Business: Fostering the common regional market through quality infrastructure and e-commerce” 24/08/2022
Tender no. 83418082 Organisation of the kick-off event for the regional project in Chisinau 24/08/2022
Tender no. 91164258 Procurement of equipment for the Moldovan Customs Service 23/08/2022
Tender no. 83417818 Development of the Policy document - Economic Diplomacy Development Program 22/08/2022
Tender no. 91165117 for the procurement of annual subscription and support services for software programmes 22/08/2022
Tender no. 83417485 Conducting functional assessment of the placement of the regional offices of PCCOCS 17/08/2022
Tender no. 91165238 for procurement of vehicles 17/08/2022
GIZ - Junior Advisor on Economic Policy 17/08/2022
Tender no. 91165134 for the procurement of currency equipment 11/08/2022
Tender no. 91165095 for the procurement of laboratory equipment 10/08/2022
Tender no. 91165094 for the procurement of Musical equipment 10/08/2022
Tender no. 91165093 for the procurement of Sport game equipment 10/08/2022
Tender no. 91165091 for the procurement of IT equipment 10/08/2022
Tender no. 91165087 for the procurement of Household devices 10/08/2022
Re – Announcement -Tender no. 83413949 for the contracting of a short-term expert to strengthen the capacities of the civil servants in reporting on the results of public policy and 2030 Agenda implementation 10/08/2022
Re – announcement - Tender no 83412208 for procurement of services to support the State Chancellery in piloting the revised guideline on ex-post assessment of public policies 10/08/2022
Tender no. 83416880 for procurement of services to support the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in the budgetary revision of the Program for deinstitutionalization of persons with intellectual and psycho-social disabilities 10/08/2022
GIZ - Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist 03/08/2022
GIZ - Leave No One Behind (LNOB) Advisor 27/07/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Urban and Regional Development (Municipal Services Development in Straseni Rayon) 21/07/2022
GIZ - Communication Specialist 21/07/2022
Tender no. 91164520 Procurement of IT equipment for project offices 21/07/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Integrated Urban Development Policy 21/07/2022
Tender no. 91164513 Procurement of furniture for project offices 21/07/2022
Exprimarea interesului pentru Licitația nr. 83414852 pentru o serie de lucrări de construcții și renovare în instituțiile publice din Comrat și Soroca 18/07/2022
Tender no. 83414720 Baseline study for project interventions on urban development in Soroca and Comrat 15/07/2022
Tender no. 83414583 - Development and implementation of a PR campaign on different social topics 14/07/2022
Tender no. 91164192 Procurement of equipment for the Direcția generală asistență medicală și socială, Chisinau 12/07/2022
Tender no. 83414170 Website development for APO, GPO and PCCOCS 08/07/2022
GIZ - Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist 08/07/2022
Tender no. 83414110 Baseline study on skilled labor needs, lifelong learning, and VET opportunities in Soroca rayon and ATU Gagauzia 07/07/2022
Tender no. 83414061 Legal services to assist VET stakeholders in developing normative acts in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Dual VET (110/2022) 07/07/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Economic Policy 05/07/2022
GIZ - Junior Advisor on Economic Policy 05/07/2022
Tender no. 91164019 Procurement of equipment for the Summer Camp in Comrat 05/07/2022
Tender no. 91163980 for the procurement of equipment 04/07/2022
Tender no. 91163970 for the procurement of equipment 04/07/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Economic Cooperation and Private Sector Development in Soroca  01/07/2022
GIZ - Advisor in Community Development 01/07/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Economic Cooperation and Private Sector Development in Soroca  01/07/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Integrated Urban Development Policy 29/06/2022
GIZ - Office Manager 29/06/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Local Governance Policy 29/06/2022
Apel pentru prezentarea mostrelor de materiale promoționale, precum și furnizarea de servicii de producere și livrare ulterioare 29/06/2022
Tender no. 83412806 for the contracting of a short-term expert to support the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in the revision of the Program for deinstitutionalization of persons with intellectual and psycho-social disabilities and its implementa 23/06/2022
Tender nr. 91163573 Pentru achiziționarea paturilor și accesoriilor pentru instituții de învățământ profesional tehnic 20/06/2022
Tender no. 83412320 for contracting a local company to conduct a Needs Assessment for capacity development of selected CSOs in Moldova 17/06/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Digital Solutions in the field of Anti-Corruption 17/06/2022
GIZ - (Jr.) Advisor on Urban and Regional Development (Municipal Services Development in Leova Rayon) 16/06/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Urban and Regional Development (Municipal Services Development in Straseni Rayon) 15/06/2022
EU/GIZ Call for concepts for the implementation of the Investigative Journalism Grant Program “Increasing the capacities of investigative journalists and of local media in monitoring and investigating corruption cases" 08/06/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Urban and Regional Development (infrastructure projects coordination) 03/06/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Urban and Regional Development (Municipal Services Development in Leova Rayon) 26/05/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Local Governance Policy 20/05/2022
Tender no.83409584 - Operational & Administrative Leading expert to support the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development (MIRD) in the development of the Operational Manual for the National Office for Regional and Local Development 18/05/2022
Tender no. 83409582 - Financial Management expert to support the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development (MIRD) in the development of the Operational Manual for the National Office for Regional and Local Development 18/05/2022
Tender no. 83409581 - Visibility, communication, and transparency expert to support the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development (MIRD) in the development of the Operational Manual for the National Office for Regional and Local Development 18/05/2022
Tender no. 91162722 for the procurement of IT equipment 18/05/2022
Tender no. 91162712 for the procurement of equipment 18/05/2022
Tender no. 91162706 for the procurement of annual subscription and support services for software programmes 18/05/2022
Tender no. 91162702 for the procurement of equipment 18/05/2022
GIZ Moldova - Apel de manifestare a interesului pentru participare în programul regional "Consolidarea societății civile în țările PaE" 17/05/2022
Tender no. 83408260 Psychological and career guidance assistance for refugees 17/05/2022
Tender no. 83409365 for the contracting of a short-term expert to strengthen the capacities of the representatives of the Departments for Policy Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation and of the policy departments of the line ministries to transpose and integrate the objectives and principles of the Agenda 2030 and of the National Development Strategy into the sectorial public policy documents 17/05/2022
GIZ - Office Manager 16/05/2022
Tender no. 83409165 Legal framework and supportive documentation for creation of the National Agency on Constructions 13/05/2022
Tender no. 91162578 for the procurement of office furniture 13/05/2022
Tender no. 91162546 for the procurement of IT equipment 12/05/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Urban and Regional Development (Municipal Services Development in Straseni Rayon) 05/05/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Urban and Regional Development (Municipal Services Development in Edinet Rayon) 05/05/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Urban and Regional Development (Municipal Services Development in Leova Rayon) 05/05/2022
GIZ-Advisor on Economic Cooperation and Private Sector Development in Soroca 29/04/2022
Tender nr. 91162003 pentru achiziționarea echipamentelor și consumabilelor medicale 21/04/2022
GIZ - Portfolio Manager 19/04/2022
Tender nr. 91161839 Pentru achiziționarea paturilor și accesoriilor pentru instituțiile de învățământ profesional tehnic 14/04/2022
Tender no. 91161068 for the procurement of two Multifunctional Devices 14/03/2022
GIZ - Advisor on VET and labour market development 10/03/2022
Tender nr. 91160708 pentru achiziționarea Mobilierului de Birou 02/03/2022
Tender no. 91157743 for the procurement of Hydraulic Equipment 27/01/2022
RE-Tender no. 91158151 for the procurement of equipment 14/01/2022
Tender no. 91159525 for the procurement of Mechatronic Systems in Agriculture 10/01/2022
GIZ - (Junior) Technical Officer - Communication and Visibility 05/01/2022
GIZ - Advisor on Monitoring and Evaluation 05/01/2022
GIZ - Senior Administrative and Financial Officer 05/01/2022
Selectare expert/companie pentru analiza situaţională privind responsabilitatea socială corporativă și raportarea acesteia conform Directivelor Europene în Republica Moldova 21/12/2021
GIZ - Advisor on Anti-Corruption and Integrity 16/12/2021
RE-Tender no.91157954 for the Procurement of Air Conditioners 15/12/2021
Acțiuni locale privind abilitarea cetățenilor în raionul Briceni 24/11/2021
CDD Rural21 anunță achiziționarea unui lot de totemuri informaționale în cadrul proiectului „Impreună facem satele mai curate” 25/08/2021
Anunț privind achiziționarea echipamentelor de supraveghere video în cadrul unui proiect regional 06/08/2021

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