
Titlul Articolului Data Publicării
Communications Coordinator for USAID Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity (RCRA) in Moldova 02/01/2025
Communications Specialist for USAID Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity (RCRA) in Moldova 02/01/2025
Data Analysis Intern - USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity 17/12/2024
Policy Specialist for USAID Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity (RCRA) in Moldova 26/11/2024
Cerere de oferte privind selectarea companiei ce va oferi servicii de proiectare, instalare și conectare la rețea a unui sistem fotovoltaic cu putere 200 kw în cadrul Sistemului Centralizat de Irigare „Holercani-Ustia” 21/11/2024
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager (USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity) 07/11/2024
Short-Term Consultant, Program for Supporting Digital Innovations and Technological Startups, Under Organization for the Development of Entrepreneurship (ODA) 06/11/2024
Tourism Quality Development Manager for the USAID Moldova Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity (RCRA) 01/11/2024
Communications Specialist for USAID Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity (RCRA) in Moldova 28/10/2024
RFQ-2024-204 // Mass media and social media monitoring services 09/10/2024
Communication and Project Management Intern (Agrotek Arena) - USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity 01/10/2024
Communications Specialist - USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity 01/10/2024
Intern (Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting) - USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity 17/09/2024
Deputy Chief of Party: USAID Safeguarding Moldova's Digital Transformation 16/09/2024
Chief of Party: USAID Safeguarding Moldova's Digital Transformation 16/09/2024
GLIA Impact Hub: Community and Acceleration Consultant 12/09/2024
Wine Industry Business Development and Project Manager for the USAID Moldova Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity (RCRA) 10/09/2024
Intern (Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting) - USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity 20/08/2024
Intern (Graphic Design) 06/08/2024
Intern (Multimedia) 06/08/2024
Tourism SMEs and Product Development Manager for the USAID Moldova Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity (RCRA) 06/08/2024
Chief of Party, USAID-funded Safeguarding Moldova's Digital Transformation 04/06/2024
Deputy Chief of Party, USAID-funded Safeguarding Moldova's Digital Transformation 04/06/2024
Communications Coordinator role within the USAID Moldova Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity (RCRA) project 27/03/2024
RCRA/Chemonics: Request for Quotations (MoldRCRA-RFQ-24005) - Events Logistics Services 25/03/2024
RFQ-2024-012-Mod1 Supply of fully automatic fabric spreading machine 18/03/2024
RFQ-2024-012 Supply of fully automatic fabric spreading machine 05/03/2024
Request for Quotations (RFQ) - MoldRCRA-RFQ-24003_ National awareness campaign to raise visibility of the new and upgraded information system BeeProtect 28/02/2024
PR&Communication Manager/ ZIPHOUSE Fashion Innovation Hub 23/02/2024
RFQ-2024-018-Mod1 Provision of an automation system (including IT equipment) for stores stock management. 21/02/2024
RFQ-2024-018 Provision of an automation system (including IT equipment) for stores stock management. 01/02/2024
MOD 3 Request for Proposals # RFP-2023-281-Mod3 For the provision of development of a creative concept and production of creative assets, including videos, still images, and text, for the Cashless campaign. 25/01/2024
RFQ # RFQ-2024-013 Provision of Legal Services to Chemonics International Inc. Washington Sucursala Chisinau projects 23/01/2024
MOD 2 Request for Proposals # RFP-2023-281-Mod2 For the provision of development of a creative concept and production of creative assets, including videos, still images, and text, for the Cashless campaign. 12/01/2024
MOD 1 Request for Proposals # RFP-2023-281-Mod1 For the provision of development of a creative concept and production of creative assets, including videos, still images, and text, for the Cashless campaign. 04/01/2024
Request for Proposals # RFP-2023-281 For the provision of development of a creative concept and production of creative assets, including videos, still images, and text, for the Cashless campaign. 19/12/2023
Product Manager: Government Mobile Application (EVO App) / Chemonics International 22/11/2023
Chemonics International Inc. seeks a Communications and Media Director for USAID Moldova Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity (RCRA) project. 20/09/2023
RFQ # RFQ-2022-164-02-Mod 1 for the Procurement of IT, educational and technical equipment for Future Technologies Activity's beneficiary Future Classroom Lab Training Center 17/08/2023
RFQ # RFQ-2023-178-01-Mod 1 for the Procurement of IT and technical equipment for Technical College of Moldova 14/08/2023
FTA Internship for summer 2023 22/06/2023
PR&Communication Manager/ZIPHOUSE Fashion Innovation Hub 20/04/2023
RFQ # RFQ-2023-058 Provision of an automation system (including IT equipment) for stores stock management 05/04/2023
RFP # RFP-2023-072-Mod 2 For the provision of design, development, and deployment of a mobile application for citizen's interactions with Government and Governmental Agencies 04/04/2023
Digital Transformation Lead/Chemonics International/Moldova Future Technologies Activity 28/03/2023
Innovation Specialist/Chemonics International/Moldova Future Technologies Activity 28/03/2023
RFP # RFP-2023-072 For the provision of design, development, and deployment of a mobile application for citizen's interactions with Government and Governmental Agencies 08/03/2023
Procurement and Grants Specialist/Chemonics International 15/02/2023
FTA hires 2 trainers in the Animation Specialties (Blender /3D-Texturing Modeling Application Course and respectively Game Design (Blender /3D-Texturing Modeling Application Course) 02/02/2023
IT Systems and Administrative Assistant/Chemonics International 25/01/2023
Strategic Communications and Outreach Specialist/Moldova Future Technologies Activity 23/01/2023
Request for Quotations (RFQ) for Translation and Interpretation Services (Rom-Eng-Rom; Rus-Eng-Rus and Rom-Rus-Rom) 19/01/2023
RFQ # RFQ-2022-193 Procurement of projecting equipment 23/11/2022
Finance and Administrative Assistant/Chemonics International 22/11/2022
IT Systems and Administrative Assistant/Chemonics International 26/10/2022
Smart Manufacturing Specialist/Chemonics International 21/10/2022
RFQ # RFQ-2022-163-04 Procurement of IT equipment for the Circle and FabLab laboratories within the Technical University of Moldova 18/10/2022
RFQ # RFQ-2022-150-02-Mod 01 Provision of PR and Communication Services for the Future Technologies in Agriculture Program 30/09/2022
Consultant for the Digital Transformation of Agriculture Program/Chemonics International 29/09/2022
Multiple Positions for the Moldova Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity Project 23/09/2022
IQS RFP # FTA-RFP-2022-136-01 For the provision of promotion and copywriting services 22/09/2022
Consultant for the Digital Transformation of Agriculture Program/Chemonics International 07/09/2022
Accountant/Chemonics International 07/09/2022
Senior Green Economy Activity Lead/Chemonics International 07/09/2022
Finance and Investment Activity Lead/Chemonics International 07/09/2022
Digital Transformation Manager/Chemonics International 07/09/2022
Entrepreneurship and Startups Manager/Chemonics International 07/09/2022
IQS RFP # FTA-RFP-2022-136 For the provision of Communication Services 15/08/2022
Chemonics International Inc. seeks Multiple Technical and Operational Staff Members 08/06/2022
Request for Quotations (RFQ): RFQ-2022-088 for the Procurement of technical equipment for endowment of Digital Media Production Center “Mediacor” 24/05/2022
ODIMM is seeking a National Consultant - Digitalization Project Manager 12/05/2022
Request for Quotations (RFQ): RFQ-2022-045-Mod 1 for the Procurement of security system equipment for the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer (NORTEK) Balti, located within the State University “Alecu Russo” in Balti 13/04/2022
Request for Quotations (RFQ): RFQ-2022-045 for the Procurement of security system equipment for the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer (NORTEK) Balti, located within the State University “Alecu Russo” in Balti 12/04/2022
Request for Quotations: RFQ-2022-044 for the Procurement of Video and Audio equipment for the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer (NORTEK), located within the State University “Alecu Russo” in Balti 01/04/2022
Chemonics International Inc. seeks an Innovation Centers and Programs Manager for the USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity (FTA) 29/12/2021
Chemonics International Inc. seeks an Engineering and Smart Manufacturing Advisor for the USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity (FTA) 29/12/2021
Chemonics International Inc. seeks for a National Consultant - Project Manager 21/12/2021
Grants and Procurement Specialist (Chemonics International in Moldova) 16/09/2021
Chemonics is looking for candidates for various positions on the new USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity (FTA) 05/08/2021
Cerere de Ofertă (RFQ): RFQ-2021-040 Prestarea serviciilor de amenajare cu beton a teritoriului adiacent Mediacor 20/07/2021
Call for technical experts and middle to senior-level specialists for an anticipated USAID energy activity in Moldova 15/07/2021
Extended deadline Request for Quotations (RFQ): RFQ-2021-036-Mod 1 Procurement of IT equipment for the endowment of the Digital Media Production Center (Mediacor) 28/06/2021

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