MOD 3 Request for Proposals # RFP-2023-281-Mod3 For the provision of development of a creative concept and production of creative assets, including videos, still images, and text, for the Cashless campaign

Dear Offerors,

The Moldova Future Technologies Activity is a program funded by USAID, Sweden and UK Aid and implemented by Chemonics International Inc in the Republic of Moldova. The goal of the Future Technologies Activity is to enhance the competitiveness of Moldovan transformative sectors, including light manufacturing, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), precision engineering, creative industries, and digital media production, and to improve the country’s integration with Western markets in these sectors.
In the context of current trends in digitalization and the development of the online business environment, as well as recent studies on e-commerce and the digital economy, the Association of Banks of Moldova (ABM) in collaboration with Visa, and the Future Technologies Project funded by USAID, Sweden, and the UK Aid, have identified the need to deploy national communication and information campaigns to promote cashless payments among population segments that are reluctant to accept these payment methods.

The purpose of this RFP-2023-281- Modification No. 3 is to extend the proposal submission date (electronically) and the presentation date (physically) of the RFP-2023-281-Mod2 Development of a creative concept and production of creative assets for the Cashless campaign.

Proposal Submission Date. All proposals must be submitted electronically no later than January 31, 2024, at 12:00 local time Chisinau (extended). Electronic submissions to be sent to the following address:
Presentation Date. On February 02, 2024, starting at 14:00 local time Chisinau (extended), Offerors are required to physically present Part 1: Creative concepts of the anticipated “Cashless Campaign” of their proposals to the evaluation committee at the Chemonics office, located at 112 M. Dosoftei street, 3rd floor. Each registered bidder will be allocated a dedicated time slot, not exceeding 30 minutes.

Proposal language. All proposals must be submitted and physically presented in Romanian. FTA may solicit adaptation of key messages in Russian and English.

Please access the RFP-2023-281-Modification No.3 at the following link:

Banner Audit Juridic CICO 300 x 250 px 2


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