***Re-advertised DCAF Office in Chisinau is looking for Consultancy supporting selection and implementation of Portfolio Management Software in the Moldovan Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA).

Activity Background:

DCAF aims to support the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) to enhance its operational efficiency and strategic decision-making capabilities through the adoption of comprehensive portfolio management software. The selection and utilization of this software should streamline project and programme management processes, improve resource allocation, and enable effective monitoring and reporting across the MIA.


The Consultant will guide the selection and implementation of a portfolio management software that meets the needs of the MIA.

Scope of Work:

Needs Assessment

  • Conduct a thorough analysis of the MIA’s current portfolio management processes, including identification of key requirements and operational inefficiencies.
  • Develop a detailed needs assessment report outlining the specific functionalities and features required by the portfolio management software.
  • Assist in data migration from existing systems to the new portfolio management software.

Training and Capacity Training

  • Develop a detailed implementation plan outlining key milestones, deliverables, and timelines for user training related to the use of the portfolio management software.
  • Provide guidance on best practices for portfolio management and software utilization.

Implementation Planning and Oversight

  • Develop a comprehensive implementation plan for full utilization of the software, including timelines, resource allocation, and risk management strategies.
  • Oversee the software implementation process, ensuring adherence to quality standards.
  • Coordinate with the software vendor and MIA’s IT team to facilitate system integration and data migration and coordinate configuration tasks.

Post-Implementation Support

  • Offer post-implementation support to optimize system performance and ensure user satisfaction.
  • Conduct a post-implementation review to assess software performance against objectives and identify areas for improvement.
  • Monitor the implementation progress, identify potential risks or issues, and take proactive measures to mitigate them.
  • Conduct regular progress reviews with MIA's management team and provide status reports as required.


  • Assessment report highlighting current processes and recommendations for improvement.
  • Implementation plan detailing the project roadmap, training plan, and timelines.
  • Develop training materials and deliver training sessions for MIA staff.
  • Provide regular (quarterly) reports and status updates on the implementation of software to DCAF.

Consultant Qualifications:

  • Proven experience in implementing Portfolio Management Software systems, preferably in governmental or public sector organizations.
  • Strong project management skills with the ability to lead complex implementations from inception to completion.
  • Expertise in software configuration, customization, and data migration.
  • Excellent analytical and project management skills.
  • Ability to work effectively with both technical teams and senior management.
  • Relevant certifications in project management and software implementation methodologies are preferred.

Proposal Submission:

Interested consultants are invited to submit their proposals COB by the 23rd of April 2024. Proposals should include:

  • Detailed methodology and approach for implementing the Portfolio Management Software.
  • Proposed timeline and work plan.
  • Budget breakdown, including consultancy fees and any additional costs.
  • CVs of key personnel who will be involved in the project.
  • References from previous clients/projects.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Experience and expertise in Portfolio Management Software implementation - 30%
  • Methodology and approach - 25%
  • Qualifications and skills of key personnel - 20%
  • Cost-effectiveness of the proposal - 15%
  • References and past performance - 10%

Contact Information:

For inquiries and submission of proposals, please contact:

Mr Turcan Roman.

Email: r.turcan@dcaf.ch 


The consultant will be engaged monthly, with an average workload of 10 working days per month over the course of 12 months.


DCAF reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to annul the selection process at any time without incurring any liability. Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance of the terms outlined in this ToR.