Extended deadline: Impact Study of the Child Protection Hub for Southeast Europe

Terre des hommes is seeking a qualified lead evaluator and several country evaluators to conduct a study on ChildHub’s impact between 2015-2021 in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania and Serbia – see the ToR attached below.

The project concept and logical framework of the ChildHub project includes the conduct of a specific impact study at the end of the project.

This study will:

  1. measure the impact of ChildHub as a Community of Practice on the quality of the work of professionals who work with children in the eight project countries AND who have benefitted from ChildHub activities during Phase 1 & 2 (i.e. over the six years since ChildHub exists);
  2. explore what impact ChildHub has had on the child protection system in the eight project countries through its capacity-building efforts, including its impact on policies, structures, processes, capacities and accountability mechanisms.

The Terms of Refference can be found HERE
More information about this position can be found  HERE

At the same time, Terre des hommes is also conducting a final project evaluation on its ChildHub project’s second phase (2018-2021) in Kosovo and Moldova. In case you are interested, see separate ToR under this link.