Call for an International Lead Researcher - Regional research on supervion (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Serbia)

Rregional research on supervision of social workers and other care workers working in integrated and multi-disciplinary teams setting in child protection

Terre des hommes is seeking a highly professional lead researcher, to lead a team of researchers working in 8 countries of South East Europe.

Child Protection Hub seeks to conduct a qualitative research across the region to explore the different understandings, needs and standards, factors hindering or promoting supervision mostly involved in the multidisciplinary case management work. Such research will target members of multidisciplinary teams and other responsible structures for offering and ensuring close professional supervision for child protection workers, school psychologists/social workers and other multidisciplinary teams’ members.
The research aims to answer primary research questions to achieve the following objectives:

- To provide a snapshot of supervision for social workers and other social care workers in the multidisciplinary team setting in child protection for 8 countries         Areas: multidisciplinary work (social assistance, education, health, police)
- To explore the attitudes, behaviours and perceptions of social workers and other workers working in an MDT context regarding supervision
- To identify key factors that hinder and promote supervision practices in the multidisciplinary teams’ context
- To provide a comparative analysis in the region
- To identify good practices in supervision
- To provide recommendations for strengthening supervision across the region and specific countries
In order to conduct this regional research, ChildHub is looking for a highly professional lead researcher, to lead a team of researchers working in 8 countries of South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Serbia).

For more details please see - Terms of Reference