Terms of reference for the selection of a Consultant with experience in conducting a study on rehabilitation and re-education programs for adolescent/young detainees in P10, as well as for minor girls and mothers with children detained in P7 in the Republ

The Association for Child and Family Empowerment “AVE Copiii” (hereinafter referred to as AO AVE Copiii) is a non-governmental, apolitical, non-profit organization that aims to promote and respect children's rights in the Republic of Moldova. AO AVE Copiii provides social, educational assistance, and access to services (social, educational, medical, psychological, etc.) for the most vulnerable children and young people, particularly those separated from their parents, victims of any form of violence, and those in contact with the justice system. The organization also empowers human resources in the field of child protection.

With the support of partners, AO AVE Copiii contributes to the education and rehabilitation of adolescents and young people detained in Penitentiary 10 for boys. This experience of just over seven years has highlighted challenges related to social and community reintegration of children and young people after serving their sentence in the prison system. To address these challenges through effective and sustainable actions, AO AVE Copiii plans to conduct a study on the rehabilitation and re-education programs for adolescents and young people detained in P10, as well as for minors and mothers with children detained in P7, including activities aimed at preparing for release and family reintegration. This study will be shared with authorities, and subsequent actions will be adjusted to meet the identified needs and challenges.


Objective of these Terms of Reference: To identify two consultants, including one national and one international, with experience in conducting studies/research on the situation of children, young people, and women in contact with the justice system.

Terms of  reference 

Annex 1  

Annex 2

Purpose of the Consulting Services

The study on rehabilitation and re-education programs for adolescents and young people detained in Penitentiary 10, as well as for minors and mothers with children detained in Penitentiary 7 in the Republic of Moldova, aims to provide structured information regarding existing programs, their adaptability to the needs of children, young people, and mothers with children in detention, ensuring conditions and opportunities for their preparation for release and subsequent social reintegration. It will also include other relevant details identified during the process. In this context, the study will provide evidence regarding the needs of children, young people, and mothers with children in detention, as well as the needs of their family members and professionals in the penitentiary system. Other considered aspects (the list is not exhaustive) will include:

a) Profile of children, young people, and mothers with children in detention: age, gender, rural/urban background, education level, child protection status, family situation, etc.;

b) Life skills necessary for the social integration of children, young people, and mothers with children upon release from detention;

c) Access of children, young people, and mothers with children released from detention to social services, vocational training, etc.

The Study will be prepared in English and later translated into Romanian. It will be presented in a concise format of a maximum of 30 pages (excluding appendices) and in professional, easily understandable language.

Study Structure:


Contextualization of the study.

Findings and Conclusions

Description of the issues and challenges arising from the applied methodology.


Key recommendations based on the conclusions of the study.


Methodology and data collection instruments.

Other items considered important.

Deadlines and Deliverables: Consultants will provide deliverables according to the table and deadlines outlined below





Methodology of the Study and Data Collection Instruments (Deliverable No. 1)

2 days from the signing of the Contract, including 1 day of national consultancy and 1 day of international consultancy
October 29, 2024


Analysis of Existing Information (literature, reports, statistical data at national and international levels, etc.) (Deliverable No. 2)

4 days, including 2 days of national consultancy and 2 days of international consultancy
November 5, 2024


Findings Resulting from the Data Collection Process (Deliverable No. 3)

9 days, including 6 days of national consultancy and 3 days of international consultancy
November 18, 2024


Conclusions and Recommendations (Deliverable No. 4)

5 days, including 3 days of national consultancy and 2 days of international consultancy
*November 25, 2024


Facilitation of the Event for Presentation and Validation of the Study (Deliverable No. 5)

Notes from the Event (Deliverable No. 6)

2 days, including 1 day of national consultancy and 1 day of international consultancy
*December 10, 2024

*December 11, 2024


Final Version of the Study (Deliverable No. 7)

3 days, including 2 days of national consultancy and 1 day of international consultancy
December 16, 2024

Total Working Days

25 days

* but not later than

Time Frame for Delivering Consultancy: October 23, 2024 - December 16, 2024

Payment Terms:
25% after the validation of Deliverable No. 1;
75% after the validation of Deliverable No. 7.

Eligibility Criteria for Consultancy:
Offers submitted by individual consultants will be considered.

Profile of the National Consultant:

  • Advanced knowledge of child protection, including the protection of children in contact with the justice system;
  • Advanced knowledge of rehabilitation and re-education programs for adolescents/young people/adults in detention;
  • A minimum of 3 years of experience in conducting studies/research on the situation of children/young people/women in contact with the justice system;
  • Impeccable reputation in delivering consultancy services;
  • Proficient command of the Romanian language (written, reading, speaking);
  • Knowledge of English (at least level B).


Profile of the International Consultant:

  • Advanced knowledge of child protection, including the protection of children in contact with the justice system;
  • Advanced knowledge of international practices in the rehabilitation and re-education of adolescents/young people/adults in detention;
  • A minimum of 5 years of experience in conducting studies/research on the situation of children/young people/women in contact with the justice system;
  • Impeccable reputation in delivering consultancy services;
  • Proficient command of the English language (written, reading, speaking).


The application file for the competition (hereinafter referred to as the File) will contain the Technical Offer, according to Annex 1 and its related annexes, as well as the Financial Offer, according to Annex 2.

The File should be sent to office@avecopiii.md with the subject line "Study on Rehabilitation and Re-education Programs in Prisons."

Application deadline: October 21, 2024.

Conditions for Accepting Competition Application Files:
To ensure equal participation conditions in the competition, AO AVE Copiii will only accept applications presented in accordance with these Terms of Reference.

All incomplete applications, as well as those submitted after the deadline, will be rejected without explanation.

Evaluation Criteria for Competition Application Files:
The criteria applied for evaluating the accepted applications in this competition are as follows:


Evaluation Criteria



Advanced experience in developing studies in the field of child protection and a deep understanding of the child protection dimension within the justice system



Impeccable reputation in delivering consultancy services



Excellent command of the Romanian language (spoken, written)



Excellent command of the English language (written, reading, spoken) (for the International Consultant)



Immediate availability to provide consultancy services



Financial proposal




For additional information, please call: +373 (0) 60 65 57 73.

AO AVE Copiii promotes inclusion and does not tolerate discriminatory behaviour or acts of corruption in any form




































Annex 1
to the Terms of Reference for the selection of a Consultant with experience in conducting a study on rehabilitation and re-education programs for adolescent/young detainees in P10, as well as for minor girls and mothers with children detained in P7 in the Republic of Moldova, dated 8.10.2024.


General information about the consultant

Name and Surname






Phone No


Relevant experience concerning the proposed Terms of Reference (max. 300 words).


Proposed methodology (max. 1500 words), including Timeline and Milestones, Risks and Mitigation Measures, Ethical Considerations, and how the consultant will address them.


Annex: Completed CV in Europass format http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu

Date of submission of the offer _______________________

Name and Surname                                                              _______________________


Annex 2
to the Terms of Reference for the selection of a Consultant with experience in conducting a study on rehabilitation and re-education programs for adolescent/young detainees in P10, as well as for minor girls and mothers with children detained in P7 in the Republic of Moldova, dated 8.10.2024


General information about the consultant

Name and Surname






Phone No


National Consultant




Number of working days

Price/day (MDL)

Total amount (MDL)

Study methodology and data collection tools (Deliverable No. 1)



Analysis of existing information (literature, reports, statistical data, at national and international levels, etc.) (Deliverable No. 2)



Findings from the data collection process (Deliverable No. 3)



Conclusions and recommendations (Deliverable No. 4)



Facilitation of the presentation and validation event for the study (Deliverable No. 5)

Notes from the event (Deliverable No. 6)



Final version of the study (Deliverable No. 7)






Total amount (MDL)







International Consultant




Number of working days

Price/day (MDL)

Total amount (MDL)

Study methodology and data collection tools (Deliverable No. 1)



Analysis of existing information (literature, reports, statistical data, at national and international levels, etc.) (Deliverable No. 2)



Findings from the data collection process (Deliverable No. 3)



Conclusions and recommendations (Deliverable No. 4)



Facilitation of the presentation and validation event for the study (Deliverable No. 5)

Notes from the event (Deliverable No. 6)



Final version of the study (Deliverable No. 7)






Total amount (MDL)






* The round-trip flight ticket, accommodation in Chișinău, and per diem will be covered by the office."

This offer is valid for a minimum period of __ days from the date of ______________.

Date of submission of the offer _______________________

Name and Surname                                                  _______________________
