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Procurement of sixty-six (66) metal containers for household waste collection, each with a volume of 1,100 liters


Request for Quotes (RFQ) No.:  



Procurement of sixty-six (66) metal containers for household waste collection, each with a volume of 1,100 liters 


 Intermunicipal Cooperation (IMC) for the modernization of the Solid Waste Management System in the communities of Nisporeni, Varzaresti, Cioresti, Seliste, Ciutesti and Vinatori 

RFQ issued by: 

Comunitatea Mea Program administered by the International Research & Exchanges Board Washington D.C., Chisinau Branch (IREX) 

Date of launch: 

November 25, 2024  

Deadline for clarifications/questions from Bidders: 

December 04, 2024, 10:00 (Chisinau local time)  

Deadline for the submission of quote: 

January 06, 2025, 10:00 (Chisinau local time) - EXTENDED DEADLINE 

IMPORTANT UPDATE – Bid Bulletin No. 1 was published on December 12, 2024. The document is available in the "Documents Available for Download" section. 

The Comunitatea Mea (CM) program, administered by the International Research & Exchanges Board Washington D.C., Chisinau Branch and funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the procurement of sixty-six (66) metal containers for household waste collection, each with a volume of 1,100 liters under the  Intermunicipal Cooperation (IMC) for the modernization of the Solid Waste Management System in the communities of Nisporeni, Varzaresti, Cioresti, Seliste, Ciutesti and Vinatori per the requirements stated in this solicitation. 

The RFQ, along with all related documents and forms for this procurement, are accessible at 

The RFQ is issued in English and Romanian languages. In the event of inconsistency between the content of the RFQ and the translation into Romanian, the English meaning shall prevail. 

IREX does not discriminate against any bidder on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, or transgender status), national origin, age (40 or older), physical or mental disability, genetic information, marital or parental status, veteran status, membership in an employee organization, political affiliation, or participation in protected equal employment opportunity (EEO) activities. 

Please visit  for additional information. 


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