Public tender: Selection of a Consulting Company that will provide agricultural technical services for the JICA-ADMA technical cooperation project in the Republic of Moldova

Public Tender

Selection of a Consulting Company that will provide agricultural technical services for the JICA-ADMA technical cooperation project in the Republic of Moldova

1. Title: Agricultural technical services for the JICA-ADMA technical cooperation project

2. Countries: Republic of Moldova and an advanced agricultural country

3. Timeframe: January – November 2025

4. Introduction
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), its contractor Kaihatsu Management Consulting, Inc. (KMC), and the Public Institution Agency for the Development and Modernization of Agriculture in Moldova (ADMA) are jointly implementing a Technical Cooperation Project for vegetable farmers in Moldova (the Project) aiming at an increase in agricultural income by strengthening the value chain of target vegetables. In order to increase yield, improve quality, and enhance sustainability in the production of the target vegetables, the Project has decided to provide vegetable farmers with technical assistance through an agricultural consulting company.

5. Target farmers and target vegetables
(1) Farmers who produce fresh vegetables (garden vegetables), namely tomatoes, cucumber, and sweet pepper
(2) Farmers who produce root vegetables, namely potatoes, carrots, and onions

6. Agricultural consulting company
The Project intends to introduce advanced technologies developed and/or verified in an advanced agricultural country. A bidder (the consulting company) shall assign agricultural experts from the advanced agricultural country to provide the technical services (see Section 7.2.).

7. Tasks
7.1. Initial visit to Moldova
The consultant shall visit Moldova late in January 2025 to determine the details of the technical services described in Section 7.2. below. During the visit, the consultant is expected to hold meetings with the target farmers and visit demonstration sites. The duration of the visit to Moldova is three days. The tentative itinerary is shown in the following table.





Wed, 29th January 2025


Meeting with JICA and ADMA



Visiting demonstration plots for fresh vegetables

Hasnasenii Noi, Drochia Raion

Thu, 30th January 2025


Visiting demonstration storage for root vegetables

– Gura Bîcului, Anenii Noi Raion

– Răscăieți, Ștefan Vodă Raion

Fri, 31st January 2025


Meeting with target farmers



Meeting with JICA and ADMA


7.2. Technical services
The consultant shall provide the following technical services (the technical services).

7.2.1. Specifications of the demonstration sites
The consultant shall conduct technical training at demonstration sites to be prepared by the Project. The consultant shall provide technical specifications to set up demonstration sites (see Section! Reference source not found.). The specifications are expected to be determined based on discussions with farmers and observation of the demonstration sites during the initial visit (see Section 7.1.). The Project will provide necessary consumables and equipment, and host farmers will establish the demonstration sites. Demonstration sites

(1) Demonstration plots
Training on fresh vegetable cultivation should be conducted at demonstration plots to be prepared by a fresh vegetable farmer. One demonstration plot will be prepared for each target vegetable in the open field and greenhouse. In total, six demonstration plots will be established, and one farmer will be a host of all the demonstration plots.

(2) Demonstration storage
Training on post-harvest treatment of root vegetables shall be conducted at two existing storage facilities belonging to two root vegetable farmers.

7.2.2. Implementation of training sessions (see Section 9.)

7.2.3. Arrangement of the visit to the advanced agricultural country
The Project intends to visit the advanced agricultural country to observe vegetable farms and discuss with agricultural input and equipment suppliers who are concerned with the technologies described in 6. below.
The consultant shall select appropriate farms and suppliers, make appointments, hire vehicle(s) for visitors from Moldova, and assign an employee to accompany the visitors from Moldova. Some places that are expected to be visited are listed below. The duration of the visits to the country is four days, excluding travel time between Moldova and the country. The visit will take place during the 1st week of September 2025. Total number of visitors from Moldova is eight.Vegetable seed producers and suppliers (potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and sweet peppers)
• Suppliers of IPM goods and equipment, bumble bees, post-harvest treatment facilities, storage, and packages for transport
• Experimental and/or demonstration farms for advanced technologies
• Progressive farmers who produce root vegetables and fresh vegetables
• Others

8. Interest of farmers in technical training
As described below, the Project’s target farmers are interested in specific technologies and willing to receive technical training and guidance including them. However, training contents and key technologies to be dealt with at the training will be determined after the initial visit to Moldova (see Section 7.1).

8.1. Fresh vegetables in greenhouses

Farmers’ needs

  • Willing to produce vegetables more naturally and environmentally friendly
  • Willing to improve yield and save the labor force

Expected training

The farmer who hosts the demonstration plots will conduct the following under the guidance of the consultant.

  • Pest control without using chemicals. For example, insect traps, Bacillus thuringiensis (BT), and other methods
  • Pollination by bumble bees or other methods.

Other farmers will apply the above technologies on their own farms, and the consultant shall visit selected farms and provide advice. 

8.2. Fresh vegetables in open field

Farmers’ needs

  • To improve yield and use soil sustainably 
  • To properly identify the causes of vegetable problems. When farmers find a problem with their vegetables, they cannot find whether it is due to a disease or inappropriate fertilization. Agricultural input dealers do not necessarily diagnose the symptom precisely.   

Expected training

The farmer who hosts the demonstration plots will conduct the following under the guidance of the consultant.

  • Proper fertilization for better yield and sustainable farming based on soil analysis
  • Correct diagnostics of symptoms based on accurate knowledge

Other farmers will apply the above technologies on their farms, and the consultant shall visit selected farms and provide advice. 

8.3. Root vegetables

Farmers’ needs

To store root vegetables in an appropriate condition to prolong the storage period and maintain good vegetable condition.

Expected training

The farmer who hosts the demonstration storages will conduct the following under the guidance of the consultant.

  • Better harvest method and post-harvest treatment.
  • Modification of vegetable storage conditions. For example, changes in curing methods, post-harvest treatment, packaging materials, temperature and humidity in storage, etc.
  • Improvement in packaging materials to maintain good condition of vegetables during transportation

Other farmers will apply the above technologies to their storages, and the consultant shall visit selected farms and provide advice. 

9. Training sessions
9.1. Outline of training sessions

Timing of training sessions

Fresh vegetables

Root vegetables



1st Week, March 2025

(4-day activities)

  • Soil testing and fertilization training at demo plot (1day)
  • Harvesting, post-harvest treatment, storage conditions, packaging materials for transportation at two demo sites (2 days)
  • On-field consultation with 2 farmers (1 day)

3rd week, May 2025

(3-day activities)

  • On-field training including the subjects shown in Section 8.1 and Section 8.2 at demonstration plots (1 day)
  • On-field consultation with 3 to 4 farms (2 days)

2nd week, July 2025

(3-day activities)

Same as above

4th week, August 2025

(4-day activities)

  • On-field training including the subjects shown in Section 8.1 and Section 8.2 at demonstration plots(1 day)
  • On-field consultation with 2 farms (1 day)
  • Harvesting, post-harvest treatment, storage conditions, packaging materials for transportation at two demo sites
  • On-field consultation with 1 or 2 farmers, if possible

(total 2 days)

1st week, November 2025

(2 hrs each, online)

Closing session

Closing session

Closing session

9.2. On-field training session
The consultant provides guidance, assesses the situation of the demonstration sites, and answers questions from farmers on the demonstration sites.

9.3. Off-field consultation
The consultant assesses the situation of target farmers for on-field consultation, provides suggestions, and answers questions from the target farmers.

9.4. Online training session:
The closing session will be conducted online. Farmers will report the result of cultivating and storing the vegetables. The consultant assesses the results and holds discussions with farmers. This online session will be conducted separately with fresh vegetable farmers (openfields), fresh vegetable farmers (greenhouses), and root vegetable farmers.

10. Application documents
The application documents shall be written in English and formatted in MS Word or PDF files.

10.1. Financial proposal
Please note that a financial proposal containing currency other than EUR will not be considered.

10.2. Technical proposal including the following
(1) Company profile and relevant experience
(2) Experience of the agricultural experts to be assigned by the Company
(3) Ideas and suggestions for the technical service implementation

11. Evaluation method
The application documents will be evaluated based on a combination of cost and quality.
(1) Evaluation of costs
Costs account for 20% of all evaluation scores, which is 20 points.
The lowest quoted cost shall receive the highest score, namely 20 points. and others’ scores shall be calculated based on the difference from the lowest cost. See the example below.
In case the lowest quoted cost is EUR 10,000, and the second lowest quoted cost is EUR 12,000, their scores shall be calculated as follows.
• Score of the lowest quoted cost = 20 points
• Score of the second quoted cost = 20 x (1-(12,000$-10,000$)/10,000$) =20 x (1-0.2) =16 points

(2) Evaluation of quality
Quality accounts for 80% of all evaluation scores, which is 80 points.

12. Deadline
The applications shall be submitted to the email addresses by 5 p.m. in Central European Time on the 10 of January 2025. Please note that applications received after the deadline, as well as incomplete applications, will not be considered.

13. Method of submission
13.1. Step 1
A bidder shall password-protect the application documents and submit them to the following email addresses at once by the deadline specified in Section 12. Please note that application documents which are not protected will not be considered.

13.2. Step 2
A bidder shall send the password for the protected application documents to the same email addresses shown in Section 13.1 after the deadline specified in Section 12 and before 11.00 a.m. in Central European Time on the 13th of January 2025.

14. Selection
The submitted application documents will be evaluated by the Project, and the result will be notified to the bidders by 5 p.m. in Central European Time on the 15th of January 2025.

15. Contract
A bidder who submits the most highly evaluated application documents will be invited to negotiate a contract with KMC. The consultant will perform the tasks under a contract with KMC.

16. Inquiries
Should you have questions concerning this Call, please send your questions to the contact person indicated below.

Kenichi MACHIDA (Mr.)
Director, Rural Development Department
Kaihatsu Management Consulting, Inc.
10th Floor, Asahi Seimei Ebisu Bldg, 1-3-1 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo, Japan 150-0013
TEL +81-3-5791-5083
FAX +81-3-5423-4101

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