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Call for expression of interests - video production of an educational product

Title:           Video production of an explanatory video on the topic „Management in Adult Learning and Education” 

Countries: Republic of Moldova 

Timeframe: December 2024 – January 2025 

DVV International is the Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVV), the German Adult Education Association. DVV represents the interests of over 850 adult education centres (Volkshochschulen) and their state associations, the largest further education providers in Germany. As the leading professional organisation in the field of adult education (AE) and development cooperation, DVV International has committed itself to supporting lifelong learning for more than 50 years. DVV International provides worldwide support for the establishment and development of sustainable structures for Youth and Adult Education.  

The Continental Exchange project started in 2022 covering six countries in Europe: Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine. Its main objective is to improve policy frameworks for Adult Learning and Education (ALE) and to strengthen ALE-Centres' contribution to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals based on best national and regional practices, experience and good international expertise.  

Background information 

Within this assignment, the history of the German Adult Education Centres (Volkshochschulen) as well as the history of the development of Adult Learning and Education in Germany and in Europe should be shared within the broader audience with the help of an explaining video, which will be uploaded on YouTube and shared among partners and stakeholders of DVV International in worldwide. 


The objective of this task is to develop an explanatory video, which will be disseminated by DVV International throughout its network via the social media. The script with the detailed description of the video content will be provided within this Call of Interest. 

Tasks, Procedure and Deliverables 

Interested video production companies should create the video according to the script developed by DVV International, delivering a comprehensive final product that will be later used as explanatory material on an international level. The final video must 12 to 15 minutes long, narrated in English by a near-native English-speaking narrator provided by the video production company. The suggested script offered is attached to this Call of Interest. In addition, the Contractor will provide the selected company with footage from the Adult Learning and Education Centres in Germany, authorised for displaying.  

At this stage, expression of interests from potential video production companies is expected. Based on the expressed interests and outlined evaluation criteria below, DVV International will select a video production company and conclude the contract for video production. 

The first draft of the video is expected to be submitted until 30 December 2024 while the final product is to be submitted until 31 January 2025. 

Please see the VideoScript on VHS - OneDrive

Application documents:  

Interested video production companies are requested to express their interest by sending following documents in a PDF-format electronically until 22 December 2024 (closing of the working day):  

  1. Portfolio of the company with links to previously created videos of similar content, which includes the voice of the narrator suggested for the video. 
  1. Technical proposal covering the following aspects: 
  • Description of the development process, the needed staff and time schedule for producing the video. Please also indicate, which additional materials and information will be needed from the Contractor if not mentioned above. 
  1. Financial proposal with a detailed description of every budget line.  

Evaluation criteria  

The proposals will be assessed according to the following criteria: 

  1. Qualifications of the video production company (counts one third), based on the assessment of requirements under the point 1. 
  1. Technical proposal (counts one third), based on the assessment of requirements under the point 2. 
  1. Financial proposal (counts one third), based on the assessment of requirements under the point 3. 

Deadline for submission is 22 December 2024. 

The deadline for submission of this Application with all Annexes should be sent to following emails: (persoana de contact Dionisie Cotruța) and cc Should you have questions concerning this Call, please send your questions to contact persons indicated below. The latest date for submitting questions is 20 December 2024. 


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