NDI Request for Proposals Opinion Research Services in Moldova

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) seeks to engage a research firm to conduct quantitative and qualitative research to provide NDI with information about the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes of the public towards specific issues and events. Research objectives for each activity will vary, but in general NDI wants to explore citizens' priorities, information consumption patterns, attitudes towards a variety of topics including policies, institutions, reforms, as well as motivations and barriers to civic participation. 

This request for proposals (RFP) indicates NDI’s intention to contract a research firm to conduct following different types of research activities over the next year (January - December 2025):


  1. National face-to-face surveys
  2. Computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) surveys
  3. Focus groups
  4. Deliberative polling
  5. Omnibus surveys
  6. Online panel surveys

Interested organizations are invited to apply for all elements together or any of these separately. NDI reserves the right to contract these elements out separately. If your organization/firm chooses to apply for more than one element, please include a price for all elements together and for each element individually (and include a unit price for each research method). Pricing should be valid for 12-months duration of the contract.

Please note that NDI intends to use a Master Services Agreement mechanism for this engagement. Under this mechanism, the Master Services Agreement itself does not authorize any work or guarantee any payment, but rather establishes agreed-upon rates for the work. The work itself is authorized and issued through Task Orders, which are subordinate agreements that outline a detailed scope, expected deliverables, and timeframe for a specific project. 

The full list of technical requirements, as well as the bidding form for submitting your financial offer, can be requested via email from Taisia Haritonova, Opinion Research and Information Integrity Manager at NDI Moldova, at tharitonova@ndi.org


  • Officially registered legal entity with full capacity to act. 
  • At least 5 years of experience in conducting opinion research
  • Previous experience in working with NDI or other international organizations will be considered an asset.


All proposals should indicate the research firm’s qualification to conduct the component or components it is bidding on. Please fill in all relevant fields in the bidding form, including cost per unit. 

In addition to the information requested in the bidding form, your proposal should also include the following information:

  • General information about your firm;
  • A list of previous clients;
  • Statement of previous experience in conducting the types of research included in your proposal;
  • A description of the management (including quality control measures) and field team qualifications for this project.
  • If the execution of work to be performed by your company requires the hiring of subcontractors, you must clearly state this in your proposal. NDI will not refuse a proposal based upon the use of subcontractors, however, NDI retains the right to refuse the subcontractors selected by a vendor.


The vendors can request clarifications regarding this assignment until December 23, 2024, by writing to tharitonova@ndi.org. Please submit your proposals in English and the completed bidding form via email to Taisia Haritonova at tharitonova@ndi.org. The deadline for submitting proposals is January 3, 2025. Early submissions are welcomed.


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