Tender no. 83480356 for contracting of a service provider to support with conceptualization and production of photography and video services for communication purposes

The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is looking for a company to support with conceptualization and production of photography and video services for a communication campaign within its EasTnT: “Strengthening sustainable and digital trade routes and logistics concepts between Eastern Partnership countries and with the EU” project. The services within the assignment will be provided in the period February 2025 – October 2025.

The selected service provider will conduct all the activities in accordance with the provisions of the Terms of Reference (ToR).

For the Terms of Reference and eventual questions, please address a message to the e-mail: tenders-giz-moldova@giz.de, indicating the tender number in the message title, not later than January 10th, 2025, time 15:00.

The objective of the current assignment is to support GIZ, and specifically the EasTnT project with photo and video services for a promotional campaign that target women as bus and lorry drivers. The goal of the assignment is to encourage women's participation as bus and truck/lorry drivers by challenging and dismantling gender stereotypes and discrimination. Additionally, the promo spot will feature contact information of driving schools, aiming to raise awareness about the initial steps women can take to begin a career in the transport industry.

Also, the company will ensure that products delivered are following the EU, GIZ and partners graphic guidelines (made available by GIZ contact person upon contract signing). The set-up of all photo and video shootings will be coordinated with GIZ at both draft phase and final phase.

The service provider shall meet following criteria and qualifications:

  • Discuss with the GIZ communication team to understand the specific needs for photo and video services, in line with existing EU and GIZ graphic guidelines,
  • Propose technical approach on how to best deliver the video footage for delivering video materials that include: live interviews, live scenes and animated infographics for the video spot
  • Travel to shooting locations inside/outside Chisinau, with own transportation and relevant equipment,
  • The locations and protagonists for the video spot will be chosen in collaboration with the EasTnT project. If needed, the bidding company will handle any agreements or payments with the location owners or protagonists directly.
  • Involve partners and beneficiaries in providing video testimonials regarding the project,
  • Process in high quality and website-suitable quality all photo and video material collected by respecting the GIZ data protection requirements,
  • Receive written approval from people identifiable on the photo and video material regarding their permission to use the respective material, according to GIZ template.

The bidding company is expected to meet the following requirements (please see the eligibility check):  

  • Legal entity registered in the Republic of Moldova; 
  • At least three years of proven experience at national and/or regional level in software development  
  • The service provider shall propose a team of experts, administrative and backstopping capacities, as follows:

A Team leader with background in the strategic communication or marketing

At least one Copywriter with experience in journalism or public relations

At least one Videographer with experience in cinematography, video editing and camera operations

One photographer with experience in producing high quality pictures and photo editing

One Graphic designer with experience in using design software and digital design

If the bidding company does not have the capacity, they will subcontract other experts, if necessary, with relevant experience to perform the envisaged tasks (for example copywriter, videographer, photographer or graphic designer).

The successful application shall include:

Offers must be prepared in Romanian or English.

Proposals must be submitted in two parts, consisting of (please see the TOR):

  • Part 1: Technical offer, that should describe in detail how the Offeror intends to carry out the Term of Reference (ToR) for the development of requested deliverables.

Please also provide:

Company overview (profile); Copy of the company registration certificate in the Republic of Moldova.

Outline of team composition and CVs of proposed experts according to described requirements.

  • Part 2: Financial offer, detailed budget expressed in Moldovan Lei, VAT 0%.

Bids evaluation will be performed based on the ratio of 70% for the technical offer and 30% for the financial offer.

The bid’s evaluation will be performed based on the ratio 70% for the technical proposal and 30% for the financial proposal.

Applications shall be submitted in a sealed envelope to the GIZ country office – Chisinau, 73/1 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Bvd., National Business Center, 9th floor – indicating the tender number, not later than January 14, 2025, time 15:00.

Please note that applications received after the deadline, as well as incomplete applications will not be considered. Financial offers containing other currency than Moldovan Lei, will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise or cancel this tender.

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