"mE&U" - Strengthening the cooperation

Education and Culture DGThree enthusiastic young people from Moldova are coming to Pelhrimov, Czech Republic for training course "mE&U" held in the framework of Youth in Action programme.

During the last week of March Czech Republic will gather representatives of 6 countries (Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine to give them space and necessary skills and competences to plan and implement projects under the new Youth in Action Programme.

The event is organized by Hodina H with initiative of local EVS volunteer from Moldova.

Please keep track of the blog of the training course, we will post the daily diary of the project and also materials and methodologies used during the event. Hodina H


Best regards,

mE&U team



"mE&U"  - Întarirea cooperarii

3 tinerii entuziasmati din Moldova vor veni in Pelhrimov, Cehia pentru un training course "mE&U" organizat in cadrul programului Youth in Action.

În ultima saptamina din Martie in Cehia se vor intruni reprezentantii din 6 tari (Italia, Polonia, Cehia, Moldova, Belorusia si Ukraina) pentru a avea un spatiu de cooperare si primi cunostinte despre managementul proiectelor al programului Youth in Action.

Cursul este organizat de catre Hodina H cu initiativa voluntarului EVS din Moldova.

Va sugeram sa accesati blogul proiectului, o sa postam diarul zilnic, materiale utile si metodologia utilizata in proiect.


Cele bune,

echipa mE&U