Procurement Consultant: "Construction of Balti and Cahul Regional Hospitals" Project



Construction of Balti and Cahul Regional Hospitals Project

Assignment Title: Procurement Consultant

 The Government of the Republic of Moldova initiated the modernization of the public healthcare system in the country, focusing on building health infrastructure, endowment of health facilities with modern medical devices and reorganization of healthcare services. One of the projects aimed at achieving these goals envisages construction of the Balti Regional Hospital, to be financed by Council of Europe Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as CEB), and of the Cahul Regional Hospital, to be financed by European Investment Bank (hereinafter referred to as EIB). 

Ministry of Health (hereinafter referred to as MoH) is the central public authority entrusted to implement the Project’s activities. MoH undertakes to establish a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) with dedicated Consultants, to whom it will delegate the day-to-day management of the Project.

Objective of the assignment: to provide advice on, and manage the procurement activities of the Project according to the proposed timeframe and in line with relevant national laws and international standards.

The Consultant will fulfill the following tasks:

  • Elaborate tender documents in line with EIB and CEB requirements;
  • Prepare all tender documents for procurement, including administrative and technical documents;
  • Prepare procurement notices for OJEU publication;
  • Deal with requests for clarifications, bidding documents, and pre-bid meetings;
  • Act as secretary to the Evaluation Committee and prepare evaluation reports;
  • Prepare announcements on contract awards and relevant bidding documents;
  • Manage procurement contracts and advise on contractual issues;
  • Prepare addendums to contracts and file procurement documentation;
  • Review and improve procurement procedures and provide relevant reports;
  • Provide procurement training and capacity building;
  • Prepare pre- and post-reviews by CEB/EIB;
  • Perform any other duties assigned by the Project Coordinator.

Main qualifications required:

  • Master’s degree in Public Procurement, Public Administration, Business Administration, Law, Economics, Engineering, or another relevant field;
  • At least 5 years of experience in working in International Financial Institutions (IFIs)/ donor projects implemented by the Governmental Authorities, in relation to public procurement;
  • A proved history of professional interaction with EIB, CEB or other IFIs Procurement Guidelines and procedures. Supporting documents illustrating his/her actual participation in projects of similar nature are essential;
  • Information analysis and report writing skills;
  • Proficiency in English languages (C level according to levels of proficiency described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

The consultant will work full-time, Monday to Friday, from 08:00 to 17:00 for a total of 5 days per week.

  • An EoI shall include: 1)  a resume, and 2) a cover letter with work undertaken that best illustrates capability to handle the tasks assigned.
  • Deadline for submitting the EoI is May 4th, 2023, at 17:00 (local time), via email to, with the assignment title indicated in the subject line.