Tender no. 83387783 Elaboration of a study on the opportunity of adopting the XBRL reporting

The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is looking for a consulting company to elaborate a study on the opportunity of adopting XBRL reporting, within its “Economic Policy Advice to the Moldovan Government” project.

For the detailed ToR (Terms of References) and eventual questions please address a message to the e-mail: tenders-giz-moldova@giz.de, showing the tender number in the message title, not later than August 17, 2021 time 17:00

The objective of the assignment is to elaborate a study that would inform decision makers about the opportunity of adopting XBRL as standard framework for exchanging business information. In order to achieve this objective, the consultants will carry out the following tasks: conduct a desk research and expert and stakeholder interviews. The study shall cover at least the following aspects: use of XBRL at EU level, benefits over other formats/frameworks, baseline in RM, implications of adopting XBRL, estimated cost-benefit and a tentative roadmap for adopting XBRL as a national standard.

The applying entities are expected to meet the following requirements:

  • Previous experience with business reporting is a must;
  • Previous experience in working with the relevant state authorities is highly desirable;
  • Previous experience in similar assignments is an advantage.

The proposed teams are expected to meet the following requirements cumulatively:

  • Relevant backgrounds, such as majors in accounting, statistics, IT, etc.;
  • Extensive knowledge of reported content (types of data) in Moldova;
  • Extensive knowledge of reporting instruments and channels in Moldova;
  • Good knowledge of legislation related to all types of mandatory reporting in Moldova;
  • Proven understanding of XBRL;
  • Previous experience in similar or comparable projects is an advantage;
  • Fluency in Romanian language is required, and basic English is preferable.

Bids shall include:

I.          Technical offer (in a separate sealed envelope), containing:

-    Outline confirming understanding the assignment and relevant experience;

-    Proposed approach and work plan;

-    CVs of the proposed team;

-    Copy of the registration certificate in the Republic of Moldova, any available licenses, permits, professional qualification certificates relevant for the assignment;

-    Bank data including bank name, code, and IBAN in MDL;

-    No-debt certificate issued by the Moldovan Tax Inspection or copy of the latest financial report.

II.          Financial offer (in a separate sealed envelope), containing the overall gross amount expressed in MDL, VAT exclusive. Only costs listed in the financial offer can be reimbursed.

Bids evaluation will be performed based on the ratio 70% for the technical offer and 30% for the financial offer.

All personal data are for the internal use of GIZ; confidentiality guaranteed.

Applications shall be delivered in sealed envelopes to the GIZ Office Chisinau (MD-2001 Chisinau, 73/1 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Bvd., NBC - National Business Center, 9th floor), showing the tender number 83387783 and subject on it, not later than August 20, 2021, time 17:00.

Please note that applications received after the deadline, as well as incomplete applications will not be considered. Financial offers containing other currency than Moldovan Lei, will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise or cancel this tender.