Tender no. 83412320 for contracting a local company to conduct a Needs Assessment for capacity development of selected CSOs in Moldova

The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is looking for a local company or consortium of companies to conduct a needs assessment of selected CSOs and based on the identified needs design capacity building plan, within its regional project “Strengthening Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries”.

CSOs play a key role in implementing the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and in developing a citizen-oriented society. However, in the countries of the Eastern Partnership, organisations committed to long-term and inclusive local development do not have sufficient institutional and implementation capacities, regional dialogue formats and external networking opportunities. The results of the assignment would allow to understand and identify the existing gaps, issues, and challenges CSOs face in Moldova, the needs for improving institutional capacities, as well as to propose corresponding measures and topics for the organization of capacity building trainings, experience exchange events and allocation of small grants.


For the Terms of Reference, its annexes and eventual questions, please address a message to the e-mail: tenders-giz-moldova@giz.de not later than July 5, 2022 time 15:00.

 Within the proposal, the bidder will present:

  • Financial offer containing the overall gross amount for the realization of each activity / deliverable according to the ToR, as well as a total budget expressed in MDL, VAT 0%; company bank data, including bank name and IBAN for MDL (all in a separate sealed envelope);

  • Technical offer containing (in a separate sealed envelope):
    1. Copy of the company registration certificate in the Republic of Moldova, any available license, permits, professional qualification certificate available
    2. Curriculum Vitae of the organization/Description of the company’s or consortium’s profile and experience
    3. Information on at least 2 successful projects of similar nature (links to relevant studies and papers should be provided);
    4. Recommendation letters from previous clients (at least 3)
    5. Statement on the understanding of the assignment objective
    6. A draft description of the methodological approach for the Needs Assessment (proposed quantitative and/or qualitative methods to collect data from CSOs and how to analyze the data), incl. clear description of the roles of the proposed individual experts and specialists (max. 2 pages)
    7. Description of the tasks, referring to and discussing the tasks in ToR
    8. Description of the implementation schedule
    9. Description of organization and logistics
    10. Other descriptions or proposals
    11. CVs of involved experts (at least 3)
    12. No-debt certificate issued by the Moldovan Tax Inspection or copy of the latest financial report


All personal data are for the internal use of GIZ, confidentiality is guaranteed.


Bids evaluation will be performed based on the ratio 70% for the technical offer and 30% for the financial offer.


Please note that applications received after the deadline, as well as incomplete applications will not be considered. Financial offers containing other currency than MDL (Moldovan Lei) will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise or cancel this tender.


Applications shall be delivered in sealed envelopes, showing the tender number (83412320) and subject on it, to the address of GIZ Office Chisinau (73/1 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Bvd., NBC - National Business Center, 9th floor, Chisinau, MD-2001) not later than 8 July 2022, time 15:00.