UNICEF RFP 9191530, Development of Child Protection Policy for the Moldovan Child Rights Ombudsperson’s Office

UNICEF RFP 9191530, Development of Child Protection Policy for the Moldovan Child Rights Ombudsperson’s Office

UNICEF Moldova is looking for a qualified company to develop a comprehensive Child Protection Policy (CPP) for the Child Rights Ombudsperson (CRO). This policy aims to build trust in CRO among children and their caregivers by ensuring they know there are reliable adults to whom they can turn in cases of real or suspected violence. The policy will foster a proactive approach in creating a protective environment and reducing the risk of harmful behaviours.

The CPP will inform professionals and auxiliary staff at the CRO about their duties and responsibilities in safeguarding children. It will include clearly defined procedures for preventing and responding to real or suspected cases of violence. The development of the CPP will include a participatory process, reflecting the specific needs and realities of the CRO and the Moldovan Ombudsperson’s Office. It will be designed to be easily understood and used by all employees, and it will align with an annually renewable action plan.

This consultancy is scheduled to take place over a five-month period, from August 2024 to December 2024.

Qualifications and experience:

Research/consultancy company with human/child rights and education profile (specialization in inclusive education is a strong asset);
Minimum of 5 years of experience in research and consulting;
Previous research/consultancy in relevant child rights (samples of previous work, copies of report summaries will have to be presented);
Previous work with UNICEF or other UN agencies is an asset

For more details on deliverables, minimum requirements and how to apply, please refer to the Terms of reference (ToR) published on UN Moldova Tenders web-page https://sc.undp.md/tnddetails_un2/2907/

Submissions are accepted no later than on: 06 August, 23:59 EEST