Assessment on available services from private and public providers in the Republic of Moldova for the rehabilitation of victims of crime (IOM Moldova)

Request For Proposals No. RFPQ-MD044/22

International Organization for Migration now invites Service Providers/Consulting Firms to provide proposals for the following services: Assessment on available services from private and public providers in the Republic of Moldova for the rehabilitation of victims of crime. More details on the assignment are provided in the Terms of Reference attached to present announcement.

For a detailed information of submission instructions, required format of the technical and financial proposals, please access the Request for Proposal document.

The technical proposal shall comprise dully completed documents enlisted in Terms of Reference.

The financial proposal shall include price of the services in MDL or USD with VAT 0%, acc. to the GD 246 of 08.04.2010. The financial proposal shall be password protected. The password shall not be disclosed unless required in written by IOM.

The commercial and technical offers shall be in accordance with Terms indicated in Bidding document and shall include: the price list, along with the package of documents for the tender and shall be sent online in PDF format at the following addresses:, cc: on or before September 25, 2022.

The proposals shall not be accepted after expiry of the deadline.

Annexes to this Announcement:

1. Vendor Information Sheet (to be filled in, signed and stamped) - Annex 1

2. Code of Conduct for Suppliers (to be signed and stamped) - Annex 2

Contact person: Mircea PATRACHI. e-mail:

IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, to cancel the selection process or reject all bids at any time before signing the contract, without having obligations towards the Service Provider.