#Pman 2009 – A twitter revolution made in Moldova

Today, a year ago took place twitter-revolution in Moldova. We spread it to the world with the hashtag #pman.

#pman – was the central street of the capital of Moldova were young people a year ago  got together claiming the election as falsificated. At the election communist won and people didn’t believe it. Young people came to central square to show their sorrow. About 10.000 – 20.000 people came to show their disagrees with communists winning the election.

The twitter revolution started calm with candles and silence. Only the next day started the massive destruction and chaos.

In #pman – some strange leaders appeared n the crowd and were spreading provocative speeches. Most of the speeches were violent. A lot of skinheads and big, athletic bullies also appeared in crowd. Police in civil were everywhere, but not protecting citizens. It is believed that some of this skinheads and bullies started throwing stone at the Presidency and Government builldings what are near #pman.

The police resistance around buildings was destroyed and bullies and skinheads entered the buildings and gave fire to it. No firemen and firecars appeared to distinguish the fire even if was really near. No policemen came to calm the crowd.  First three floors of the Presidency and Government builings were destroyed.

A young man appears on the top of one building and changed the the national lag with the Romanian flag. Only after the #pman events was over,  everyone saw on some photos that the young boy was accompanied by three policeman that were just sitting there. From this point everyone understood that everything was just prepared and controlled by communists: all the destruction , the no control of the crowd and the insertion of bullies and skinheads was done by communists  to provoke chaos.

Meanwhile people started to disappear. policemen imprisoned people being in civil wear , without noticing relatives. Policemen just took everyone in handy who were at the margin of the crowd.  In prison policemen beat up students, men, women and children, gave no water or food for some days. They beat up some people till they have died. Policemen thrown away the bodies at hospitals. Some deaths were reported as produced by minor injuries or death by intoxication with smoke (that occurred in the buildings on fire).

After a week or so there have been checked the election results and it was proved that it was falsificated. A second edition of election was made, a democratic party was elected.

The  twitter revolution brought 200mln $ prejudice and about 10 dead and changes in political component of the government. From 2009 to 2010 new proves of illicit actions from communist were discovered. A lot of policemen were penalized.

Main source of news about the events about twitter revolution was twitter because telephone was down and Internet was censored. Also no one knew what’s going on in the city accessing main source of mass-media: news paper and television. Most people was able to read about the revolution from twitter updates of about ~20-30 twitter users what were in #pman.  Some of them wrote in English and the news went out in the world. That’s why it was called twitter revolution .

Today, 7.04.2010 we remember the events during #pman 2009  Today in #pman – central square of the capital of Moldova everyone are coming with flowers to show their sorrow about those tragic events.

#pman symbolizes a an attempt to bring democracy in a place where self-expression of the nation was repressed during the period of 8 years of communist’s main party at Government. Even if it failed as a calm revolt , the #twitterrevolution brought a lot of positive changes. #pman symbolizes a fight against all kind of repression, a nation’s attempt to a better life…

Similar events as inMoldova during #pman were in Iran, Thailand and Kirghizia ; see links http://bit.ly/9Qi93C http://bit.ly/ao31lA
