Call for Offers: Internal Project Review and Learning Workshops / Evaluare internă a proiectelor și ateliere de învățare

AO Asociația pentru Abilitarea Copilului și Familiei AVE Copiii (în continuare AO AVE Copiii)  este în căutarea unui solicitant calificat care să evalueze proiectul „Future Youth Moldova” în cooperare cu partenerii de proiect și să conducă atelierele interne de revizuire a proiectului și de învățare.

Detalii le găsiți mai jos.

Summarizing and reviewing the results, impact and lessons learnt of the project „Future Youth Moldova“ funded by the Austrian Development Agency(ADA) (contract number 8108-00/2022).

Call for Offers

1)     Background information
The Austrian NGO Südwind has been campaigning for sustainable global development, human rights and fair working conditions worldwide for over 40 years.

Südwind's key fields of action are Global Education and the introduction of international development issues and concerns into civil society initiatives, mostly via events and campaigns. The work also includes lobbying relevant political decision-makers. Südwind informs about international development-related issues and critically questions policies that maintain or increase inequality, ostracize the socially powerless, and breach basic human rights. Südwind develops solutions, alternatives, and visions for global justice through dialogue with partners from civil society and developing countries.

Südwind is active in the Republic of Moldova for more than ten years, cooperating with its partner Gender Centru in the framework of EuropeAid DEAR and Ministry of Social Affairs (BMSGPK) projects on decent work. Through a Speakers Tour, Gender Centru was involved in the training course with Austrian trade unions and NGOs and long term relations were established including regular exchanges and collaboration is continued. Südwind also cooperated with weltumspannend arbeiten-ÖGB in the ADA project “A Step Forward - Organising for Labour Rights” conducting a train the trainer methodological seminar on Global Learning for the Trade Union School Moldova in the Institutul Muncii. A few years ago, Südwind co-organised a study visit for the University of Applied Sciences of Upper Austria (FH OÖ) for social jobs to Moldova visiting TVET institutions in Moldova and establishing relations for internships.

Since January 2022, Südwind is leading the ADA funded project “Future Youth Moldova”. The project is implemented in partnership with the two Moldovan NGOs AVE Copiii and Gender Centru. The project duration is from 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2024.

The general objective of the project is to create a supportive environment for adolescent girls and boys from rural areas ageing out of state alternative care for smoothening their transition to independent living through life skills, vocational education, increasing access to decent work.

The specific objective is that young care leavers (girls and boys) manage the transition to independent life through support in enrolling in and during VET, entering employment under legal conditions and enjoying full social inclusion.

The expected outcomes of the project are:

1.      Increased choices and opportunities for young boys and girls leaving state care to make independent and informed decisions about their future VET school and profession

2.      Risks reduced for young girls and boys leaving care to become homeless or street children or single mothers, due to temporary vulnerability when they leave their place / state residential institutions

3.      Independent life skills of youth girls and boys to cope with economic and social shocks in transition to adulthood increased

4.      Responsible stakeholders are more sensitized on specific challenges faced by young people leaving care and better equipped with knowledge and skills to support them to safely navigate in this transition


Target groups:

a.      Young girls and boys in state alternative care or transitioning out of state alternative care or enrolled in vocational schools

b.      Professionals from territorial guardianship authorities

c.      Teaching staff in vocational schools


Project activities include:

  • Career counselling for care leavers
  • Temporary accommodation and psychological support for care leavers by renovating and setting up a ‘CoTin’ Youth Corner
  • Individual support and legal advice for young care leavers
  • Empowerment in the form of educational and creative workshops and the development of educational materials
  • Training for guardianship authorities, regional administrations and teachers in

vocational schools

  • Preparation of recommendations for action for policymakers and organisation of exchange meetings with representatives of regional policy and regional administration

2)     Nature and Scope
Südwind is looking for a qualified applicant to assess the “Future Youth Moldova” project in cooperation with the project partners and lead the internal project review and learning workshops. Specifically, the applicant shall:

  • organise review and learning workshops with relevant internal and external project stakeholders
  • review the project progress so far, assess results achieved and first impacts along the following criteria:

Ø  Relevance: is the project doing the right things?

Ø  Coherence: how well does the project fit?

Ø  Effectiveness: is the project achieving its objectives?

Ø  Efficiency: how well are resources being used?

Ø  Impact: what difference does the intervention make?

Ø  Sustainability: will the benefits last?

  • identify potential improvements and activities which can be implemented in future projects
  • prepare an internal project review report (approx. 20 pages) including lessons learnt and good practice recommendations in English

The assignment shall be based on the Guidelines of Programme and Project Evaluations of the Austrian Development Agency1 especially going along the 15 steps of the evaluation process established therein and ensuring proper utilisation of results (see Annex 1).


3)     Legal requirements
Offers are accepted from the countries of the project partnership (Austria and Moldova) as well as from applicants from other countries having a strong and proven link to one of those countries.


4)     Timeline
 Deadline for applications (including all provisions stipulated in art. 6):
29 September 2024

Selection by tender committee:
4 October 2024

Accompanying evaluation and on-site visits to Moldova, including the organisation of 3-7 review and learning workshops:
15 October – 15 December 2024

Development of report of internal project review and lessons learnt incl. recommendations until:
31 December 2024


5)     Budget available
Max. 10.500 EUR including travel and any other costs related to the assignment. Costs related to the submission of the offer will not be refunded.


6)     Provisions
Applicants should provide the following documents when submitting the offer:

1.      Concept proposal for the project review and the workshops

2.      Description of working experience in the field of impact assessments, evaluation, workshop facilitation and, if possible, in the topic of social issues in Eastern European countries

3.      Budget including all costs (incl. VAT)

4.      Timetable

The proposal has to be provided in English. The working language is English or Romanian.


7)     Contact and Deadline for Submission
Interested applicants are invited to send their offer and the above-mentioned documents to by 29 September 2024. Questions can be sent via e-mail until 19 September 2024


8)     Assessment and evaluation criteria for the selection of an offer
Südwinds’ evaluation committee will assess the offers received in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Experience in the field of the assignment // 40 %
  • Proposed implementation strategy and method within the given timeframe // 30%
  • Costs and quality of the offer // 30%


Should the committee consider it necessary, candidates will be asked to provide additional information.


If necessary, (online) meetings with the pre-selected candidates will be arranged.


Finally, Südwind will select the offer and propose the applicant to sign a contract in accordance with Austrian law.


9)     More information about Südwind and “Future Youth Moldova”
