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Recruiting Mentors for Technovation Challenge in Moldova



Technovation Challenge is a global tech competition that teaches girls how to code and start a business.  Our aim is to inspire adolescent girls to pursue technology fields by engaging girls’ teams at three levels in contests with the ultimate prize of $10,000 USD.  Teams of 3-5 (aged 13-23) work with a mentor to identify a community problem, create a mobile app to solve it, code the app, build a company to launch the app in the market, and pitch their plan to experts -- all in 12 weeks.

We’re now recruiting for mentors from all over Moldova.  If you have a passion for helping girls break down the gender barrier, reach their highest potential, and accomplish something truly rewarding for their community, this is the project for you.  No coding experience is needed to serve as a mentor. 

Our first orientation meeting for mentors is on:


October 25th, 11:00 – 14:00 in either Chisinau (ATIC -Moldovan Association of Private ICT Companies, Strada Maria Cibotari 28, by Columna)


Balti (Asociatia Femeilor de Afaceri din Balti (AFA) M. Sadoveanu 2, first floor (across from Children’s Park). 

RSVP at Future orientation meetings will be scheduled in November.

Sign up as a mentor here:



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