Call for expression of interest in collaboration to support the implementation and replication of climate-oriented, resilient and green economic practices in agriculture

The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is inviting organisations (registered associations, consortiums of organizations, groups/cooperatives of producers etc.) to express their interest in collaboration to support the implementation and replication of climate-oriented, resilient and green economic practices in agriculture or industry, including business case/demonstration projects with farmers or businesses in Moldova.

The activity is available in the framework of the project “Promoting Green Deal Readiness in the Eastern Partnership Countries” (PROGRESS), financed by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). PROGRESS is implemented by a consortium led by GIZ together with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus), European Business Association (EBA) Moldova and Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IEF).

Selected organization will be invited to implement selected activities (within the grant agreements) for the stone fruits and nuts value chains in the Republic of Moldova in the following areas:

  • Support (peer-to-peer activities, consultations, other formats) for farmers and businesses in implementation and replication of climate-oriented, resilient and green economic practices;
  • Implementation of outreach activities to promote green and resilient economic practices in agriculture, incl. gender transformative, biodiversity, innovation, digitalization aspects;
  • Implementation (procurement, process organization etc.) of business cases/demonstration projects related climate-oriented, resilient and green economic practices;
  • Other activities related to the topics described above.

The expression of interest file should include:

  • Brief presentation of the organization (experience in relevant activities, team/staff available, experience with other donors etc.);
  • Current and planned, if any, activities for the selected value chains (or other agricultural value chains);
  • Concrete proposals for implementation of business cases/demonstration projects with farmers and businesses related to climate-oriented, resilient and green economic practices in selected value chains.

The expression of interest files will not exceed 4 pages (Word format, Times New Roman:12).

Expression of interest file should be submitted not later than 30 October 2024, 17:00 (PM) to to the e-mail address by mentioning “Call for expression of interest” in the message title. Questions regarding the expression of interest can be addressed to the same email address.