
Expression of interest for Grants awarded in the field of Improvement of public services delivery

The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is inviting Non-governmental/Non-profit organisations to express their interest in Grants awarded to support selected LPAs (3) from Edinet (LPAs: Hincauti, Parcova, Zabriceni) in the implementation of Service improvement Plan (SIP) and increase the citizens access to improved public services, including implementation of small construction measures.

The Grants are made available in the framework of the project “Strong Businesses and Communities for Moldova”. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and co-funded by the European Union and is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

The organisations awarded will be granted to provide support to selected LPAs in the implementation of the 3 SIPs and to ensure the following in their respective target rayon:

  • provided specific and periodic capacity development assistance to LPAs, related to implementation of construction measures in the Water Supply and Sanitation and Solid Waste Management sectors, improving citizens engagement (of vulnerable groups as well) in decision-making processes including monitoring of procurement, construction works, and delivery of local public services.
  • supported awareness raising campaigns for improving public service delivery, including with associated materials, and training in partnership with LPAs and local CSOs to run these campaigns.
  • conducted studies on citizen satisfaction of local decision-making and public service delivery.
  • ensured consistent application of EU visibility rules at all levels.

In order to find out additional information on this call, as well as get informed on the application requirements and conditions, please address a short request message to the e-mail address by mentioning “Grants on public services improvement” in the message title, not later than 30 January 2024, 17:00 (PM).

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