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GIZ - Advisor on EU Integration Coordination Support

GIZ is looking for an Advisor on EU Integration Coordination Support for its project “EU Integration Support Project (EUISP)”, financed by the German Government and focusing on areas of Cluster I “Fundamentals”, chapters 23: “Judiciary and fundamental rights” and chapter 24: Justice, freedom and security”.

On 14 December 2023, the European Council decided to open accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova. The Government of the Republic of Moldova is fully committed to the European integration process and has set out an ambitious agenda to align its legal and regulatory framework with the EU standards. To achieve this, the Government has established 35 working groups responsible for coordinating the integration process in various sectors / chapters and approved the National Action Plan for the Accession of the Republic of Moldova to the EU for the years 2024-2027. Moreover, within the Ministries, new positions of Deputy Secretary Generals have been established specifically tasked with overseeing the EU integration process.

The EUISP project aims at enhancing capacities of national key actors to steer and implement a cooperative and participative process of Moldova’s EU alignment.

This position is expected to start in January 2025. The permanent workplace for this position is in Chisinau.

The overall responsibilities covered by this position are as follows:

  • Providing advice to the State Chancellery (Bureau for EU Integration), Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other key actors aiming at strengthening capacities for process management and cooperation in areas of Cluster I “Fundamentals” with focus on negotiation chapters 23 and 24
  • Identifying needs for short-term support and demand-oriented support instruments 
  • Providing backstopping and quality assurance support 
  • Performing any other work-related tasks contributing to the project success. 

Required qualifications:

  • Master´s Degree in Public Administration, European Law, Human Rights, Development Studies, or related field
  • At least 6 years of senior professional working experience in reform coordination, organisational and process development and management in the context of EU integration 
  • Previous experience working in/with government and state institutions in the intervention areas
  • Profound proven knowledge of the institutional setup, mandates and responsibilities in the intervention areas within the EU integration context
  • Profound knowledge of the international development and partnership building
  • Experience in coordinating large and complex processes with multiple actors, including government, civil society, academia, the public and the private sector
  • Proven excellent written and verbal skills in Romanian, English and Russian; German would be an advantage
  • Excellent interpersonal, organizational and time management skills. Mature initiative, tact and high sense of responsibility, ability to work independently and under pressure to tight deadlines
  • Effective negotiation and moderation skills
  • Profound IT skills
  • Strong drafting, presentation and reporting skills
  • Moldovan citizenship or holding permanent resident status in Moldova.

Applications, including detailed CV, references, and motivation letter (in English) shall be sent not later than 27 January 2025, time 15:00 to the address

Please mention the position name in the title of your application message. Only shortlisted candidates will be asked for an interview. The finalist will be offered a fixed-term employment contract based on a 40-hour weekly work programme and concluded in line with the national labour legislation.

Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise the position, to cancel the recruitment or offer an appointment at a lower grade or with a modified job description.

GIZ is committed to employment equity in the workplace and encourages qualified candidates from all backgrounds to apply


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