GIZ - Advisor for Networking, Exchange and Training Organisation

The German Development Cooperation (GIZ) is looking for an Advisor for Networking, Exchange and Training Organisation for its regional project “Strengthening Citizen Participation in Azerbaijan” (SPA). It is a Multi-Donor-Action jointly co-financed by the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and will be implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

The SPA-Project aims at fostering the positive role that citizens’ initiatives can play regarding the development, particularly on local and community level. Therefore, it sets on to strengthen the capacity of citizens and citizens’ initiatives to engage in policy dialogue and serve the needs of local communities. The Advisor for Networking, Exchange and Training Organisation will mainly be responsible for designing, organising and implementing measures The successful candidate is expected to organise exchange with and for Azerbaijani citizens’ initiatives and to join visiting organisations in their travels to Moldova or other countries in the Eastern Partnership region as well as to attend meetings and events in a regional context.   

This position is planned to start in November 2024 and last for a 12-month period with the possibility to be extended, based on a successful employment period and project extension.

The permanent workplace for this position is in Chisinau. The overall responsibilities covered by this position are as follows:

  • Independently organise exchange and study tours as well as trainings for citizens’ initiatives in Moldova, countries of the EaP region and Europe:
    • Identify Azerbaijani and Moldavian citizens’ initiatives for participating in exchange, study tours and trainings jointly with SPA team in other countries.
    • Independently organise relevant events (networking, exchanges, study tours and trainings) in the country.
    • Independently manage administrative and logistical matters concerning the events, including logistics and contracting (event management, translation, thematic input).
    • Create synergies with existing exchange formats and regional platforms.
    • Support citizens’ initiatives in the travel preparation and stays.
  • Develop and provide thematic input: Design and implement required trainings and advisory processes to citizens’ initiatives in the fields of organisational development, resource mobilisation and networking:
    • Develop and organise a set of measures to identify organisational development and resources mobilisation needs of citizens’ initiatives.
    • Develop and organise a set of organisational development measures and resource mobilisation strategies and plans, adjusted to the capacities, potentials and aims of citizens’ initiatives in close cooperation with these.
    • Provide process advise to citizens’ initiatives to develop tailor-made resource mobilisation approaches and test them.
    • Identify relevant regional networking and exchange events and support citizens’ initiatives to participate in these.
    • Support citizens’ initiatives in the reflection and documentation of learnings and take aways of the networking and exchange.
    • Coordinate continuous support to citizens’ initiatives, including in virtual-online formats.
    • Contract external trainers and experts as needed.
  • General tasks: Support the project team and the project management in other tasks upon request:
    • Contribute to the design and implementation of workshops, events, networking, capacity development measures and organisational development activities on national and regional level.
    • Contribute to the external presentation of the project.
    • Contribute to the Monitoring and Evaluation as required by the project’s M&E system.
    • Manage consultant contracts.
    • Participate in workshops and trainings within the team, including at regional events (requires travel abroad).
    • Work closely with other team members.

Required qualifications:

  • BA and/or master’s degree in organisational psychology, organisational development, sociology, economy, political science, business administration, or related fields
  • At least 5 years general work experience
  • Experience in designing, organising and implementing organisational development measures for public, private and / or civil society organisations
  • Experience in the organisation or exchanges, trainings, study tours and events
  • Experience in the organisational change management
  • Experience in designing and conducting qualification and skills development activities
  • Experience with grass-roots initiatives and established citizens’ organisations
  • Experience in organisational resource mobilisation
  • Experience related to sustainable development or development management 
  • Good knowledge or work experience in the field of youth development and and/ or gender equality is highly desirable
  • Good knowledge of the CSO environment in Moldova and working experience with citizens’ initiatives
  • Excellent command of Roanian, English; knowledge of Russian is a strong asset
  • Awareness of the challenges CSO face in the post-soviet context
  • Willingness to travel regularly within the country and in the Eastern Partnership region
  • Organisational talent
  • High working level knowledge of MS Office programs
  • Team player, eye for the detail, strong ability for self-motivation, self-organisation, priority-setting, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, building individual Capacity
  • Moldovan citizenship or holding permanent resident status in Moldova.

Applications, including detailed CV, references and motivation letter (in English) shall be sent not later than 15 October 2024, time 15:00 to the address

Please mention the position name in the title of your application message. Only shortlisted candidates will be asked for an interview. The finalist will be offered a fixed-term employment contract based on a 40-hour weekly work programme and concluded in line with the national labour legislation.

Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise the position, to cancel the recruitment or offer an appointment at a lower grade or with a modified job description.

GIZ is committed to employment equity in the workplace and encourages qualified candidates from all backgrounds to apply.

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