GIZ - Advisor on gender equality and women’s empowerment

The German Development Cooperation (GIZ) is looking for an Advisor on gender equality and women’s empowerment to join the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy team and to advise this project and two others on gender equality-related aspects. All three projects are financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

This position is planned to start in February 2024 and last for a 12-month period with the possibility to be extended, based on a successful employment period and project extension. The position of Advisor on gender equality and women’s empowerment will be in charge of ensuring gender sensitive approaches and coherence with the GIZ Gender Strategy across different cooperation projects. The permanent workplace for this position is in Chisinau. The overall responsibilities covered by this position are as follows:

  • Advise and support on the integration of gender equality and women’s empowerment aspects into the project cycle (implementation, coordination and monitoring of the GIZ Gender strategy): monitoring of gender-related aspects and indicators; support the implementation of GIZ's Gender Strategy; design and implement activities on gender equality and women’s empowerment; apply the Safeguard+Gender management system; attend meetings at critical points in the project cycle to ensure that gender is addressed in line with the findings and recommendations outlined in the gender analysis; attend project progress review workshops, project reviews, etc.; drafting and commenting on Terms of Reference (ToR) for evaluations and review missions to ensure that gender strategies and goals are taken into account;
  • Contribute to knowledge management and exchange: together with the GIZ gender focal point(s) and the gender working group enhance the overall gender-specific project implementation, impact-oriented monitoring and gender mainstreaming; coordination of the exchange of information between external and internal structures; support knowledge transfer in the field of gender equality and women’s empowerment between different projects; provide contributions to the presentation of best practices, publications, etc. that can be used in the gender knowledge network;
  • Motivate and raise awareness for the importance of gender equality and gender justice: attend gender network meetings, identify training needs in the field of gender aspects for national personnel and field staff in conjunction with the GIZ gender working group in Moldova and in alignment with the country director; coordinate and conduct training and quality assurance measures in the field of gender;
  • Strengthening the gender-transformative work of GIZ projects mentioned above.

Required qualifications:

  • Master's degree in a social or political science subject (Development Studies, Sociology, Ethnology) or other relevant fields of study;
  • specializations or advanced training in the field of women's empowerment and gender studies are an advantage;
  • several years of work experience in the field of gender equality and gender mainstreaming;
  • professional experience in the field of International Cooperation with reference to e.g. training and further education, labour market measures, youth integration, energy, public administration;
  • knowledge of current approaches of feminist development policies;
  • high degree of negotiation and coordination skills; experience in mediation or coordination of projects or parts of projects is a significant advantage;
  • good working knowledge of IT technologies (computer, phone, mail, internet) and computer applications (MS Office);
  • knowledge of procedures and processes of different international donor agencies or organizations is an advantage;
  • flexibility, resilience and stress resistance, as well as curiosity and the ability to find unusual solutions are required;
  • very good written and oral knowledge of English and Romanian, knowledge of German would be an asset;
  • Moldovan citizenship or holding permanent resident status in Moldova.

Applications, including detailed CV, references, and motivation letter (in English) shall be sent not later than 22 December 2023, time 15:00 to the address

Please mention the position name in the title of your application message. Only shortlisted candidates will be asked for an interview. The finalist will be offered a fixed-term employment contract based on a 40-hour weekly work programme and concluded in line with the national labour legislation.

Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise the position, to cancel the recruitment or offer an appointment at a lower grade or with a modified job description.

GIZ is committed to employment equity in the workplace and encourages qualified candidates from all backgrounds to apply.


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