Extended deadline, Call for Expression of Interest and Quotations - External Audit Services

Swiss Red Cross Representation in Moldova (SRC) is calling for expressions of interest and commercial offer - External Audit Services.

Tenderers must comply with the Terms of Reference and all other requirements of this Invitation to this Call. Non-compliance may lead to disqualification of the applicant considered by the SRC.

The Representation of Swiss Red Cross in Republic of Moldova is currently looking to engage the services of an audit firm to render the services of external audit for four projects:

  1. Project Nr. 415932 - “Moldova: towards health equity through social accountability - Phase 1”, project budget for 2022.
  2. Project Nr. 415933 - “Ageing & Health 2020-2022”, project budget for 2022.
  3. Project Nr. 415934 - “NBTC / Blood Safety 2020-2022”, project budget for 2022.
  4. Project Nr. 415935 - “Support to Ukraine refugees 2022”, project budget for 2022.

This letter is to invite you to put forward a proposal for the work outlined below.

Objectives of the audit

The objectives of the audit are established by Terms of Reference (can be provided upon request). The main objective of the audit is to plan, execute and report on the financial audit in order to form a professional judgment on the following matters relating to the Project’s financial activities:

-  that the Financial Report presents fairly, in all material respects, the actual expenditure incurred and the funds received for the Project for the reporting period in conformity with the applicable project objectives, approved budget, financial management policy and procedures.

- existence, adequacy and effectiveness of the Internal Control System, through the control and evaluation of the: organization’s structures, functions, division of authority & responsibilities.

- conformity with the project objectives and adherence to the contractual conditions

- project activities have been conducted cost effectively and with financial efficacy

- adherence to the financial regularity, accuracy & exactness and fairness of the various accounting transactions.

-  economical and efficient conduct of the business through controlled and effective utilization of the financial resources in the Project activities.

Depending on the nature of the financial information, either the “Special Considerations Audits of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with Special Purpose Frameworks ISA 800”, or the “Special Considerations Audits of Single Financial Statements and Specific Elements, Accounts or Items of a Finance Statement ISA 805” shall be applied for the audit planning, execution, and reporting.

Eligibility criteria:

  • The audit company must have a valid practice audit license issued by the State Authority in Republic of Moldova and be an independent firm, free from conflicts of interest with the auditee.
  • Sectoral knowledge of international humanitarian organization, professional and technical expertise in the financial audit of such humanitarian and development project/s.
  • At least five years of continuous experience in conducting auditing

Audit Reports: The selected Audit Company will produce One Audit Report with corresponding annexes per each project, according to ToR.

The draft of audit report and all other documents resulting from the financial audit must be submitted in English, no later than February 28th, 2023. The final audit report should be submitted no later than March 31st, 2023.

SRC will evaluate the offers based on technical and financial criteria as following:

Evaluation criteria and sub-criteria





Relevant experience of the Bidder for the proposed task



Correspondence of the tenderer's qualification with the Terms of Reference



certificates (for example by the Public Audit Board, membership of the International Federation of Accountants) and in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA).


Qualifications of the proposed key staff





Proven experience of the proposed audit team for development and civil society projects


The amount of the financial offer






The most advantageous offer is going to be subject to receiving final approval from SRC in Bern and SDC office in Moldova.

Application Submission:

The contents and format of the requested proposal should include, the following information:

  • CV of the Company;
  • Technical Offer;
  • Financial Offer;
  • Auditor licenses and certifications;

Applications must be submitted no later than November 25th, 2022 at 17.00, local time. A hard copy of the quotation must be submitted to the SRC Country Office, in writing, signed and in a sealed envelope, to the SRC office (2, Alecsandri Street, Clinical Hospital “Em.Cotaga”, Administrative Block, 1st floor). Applications properly submitted in hard copies must be acknowledged by a paper receipt from SRC in order to be considered.

Applicants may submit questions or requests for clarification concerning details about projects, via email: srcmoldovaredcross.ch@redcross.ch. Additional Annexes (Report Template, Management Letter Template, Report Checklist, SRC Questionnaire for ICS etc) can be provided upon request.

Please include the “External Audit Services” in the email subject line. Questions and requests for clarification will be answered until November 25, 2022.