Call for expression of interest Tender no 83483801 for contracting Services of up to 30 Energy Audits and up to 10 Technical Design Documentations for Small Apartment Buildings

The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is planning to contract a local company or a consortium of local service providers specialized in delivering consultancy services for conducting up to 30 energy audits (starting with 5 with an option of 25 additional) and preparing up to 10 technical design documentations (starting with 5 with an option of 5 additional) aimed at improving the energy efficiency of small apartment buildings in Moldova. The services within the assignment are foreseen in the period between April 2025 – September 2025

This is the call for expression of interest from qualified companies interested in competing for the tender. As a result of first stage all eligible bidders will be shortlisted and invited to submit a technical and financial offer.


For The Terms of Reference and other supporting documents needed to be fulfilled within the application, please address a message to the

e-mail: indicating the tender number in the message title, not later than

24.03.2025; 15:00 Chisinau local time.

Main requirements for the bidders:

  • Potential bidders are expected to be a company or a consortium of local service providers that has to conduct integrated activities technical experience in conducting energy audits and technical design for energy efficiency improvements. 
  • A proven track record of at least three projects implemented in the last three years in the field of energy efficiency and/or related areas. 
  • A team of qualified experts covering key disciplines, including energy auditing, architecture, civil engineering, and project management.
  • The bidder, or each consortium entity, must demonstrate the ability to meet its financial obligations and manage resources effectively to ensure ongoing operations, long-term viability, and financial resilience.

Interested bidders shall provide the following documents:

  • Company overview (profile)
  • Contact data, persons responsible for the assignment implementation and coordination;
  • Copy of the company registration certificate in the Republic of Moldova, any available license, permit,
  • Declaration by the bidding consortium or a Cooperation Agreement
  • No-debt certificate issued by the Moldovan Tax Inspection
  • Copy of the latest annual financial statements, including the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and cash flow statement, if it is available, along with the auditors’ report of previous financial period.
  • 3 (three) A12 Questionaries

The applications for the call of expression of interest will be assessed against eligibility criteria as follows:

  • Proof of registration in the commercial register for companies within the bidding consortium.
  • The consortium members must not be subject to any legal restrictions, prohibitions, or disqualifications that would hinder the execution of technical design services in compliance with both national and international regulations.
  • Submission of a declaration by the bidding consortium or a Cooperation Agreement.
  • At least three (3) recent contracts of similar scope and duration.
  • Supporting documents confirming permission to carry out the requested activities.
  • Staff capacity of technical design experts in the pool dedicated for technical design, i.e.

1.   Project Manager – required minimum of one expert.

2.   Lead Architect – required minimum of one expert.

3.   Structural Engineer - required minimum of one expert.

4.   Electrical Engineer - required minimum of one expert.

5.   HVAC Engineer - required minimum of one expert.

6.   Cost Estimation and BoQ Specialist - required minimum of one expert.

7.   Fire Safety and Environmental Protection Specialist - required minimum of one expert.


Applications shall be submitted in a sealed envelope to the GIZ country office – Chisinau, 73/1 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Bvd., National Business Center, 9th floor – indicating the tender number, not later than March 26, 2025, 15:00 Chisinau local time.

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