UCIP IFAD anunță contractarea unui Specialist în monitorizare și impact

Destination and Impact Monitoring Specialist
(consultant for full-time position)

Location: CPIU IFAD, Chișinău
Project: TRTP

1. Client
The client for this assignment is the Consolidated IFAD Programme Implementation Unit (CPIU IFAD), which is responsible for day-to-day management and implementation of IFAD ongoing project” Talent Retention for Rural Transformation” (TRTP) which has established a robust and well-recognised track record of competent and diligent programme management of IFAD’s previous and ongoing projects.

2. Background
Republic of Moldova and International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) signed Financing Agreements for implementation of Talent Retention for Rural Transformation Project.
Talent Retention for Rural Transformation Project (TRTP) was launched in 2021 with an implementation period of 6 years. The project aims to stimulate large-scale rural economic growth and reduce poverty through complementary investments; to enable the rural poor, especially young people, women and small farmers, to increase their productive capacity, resilience to economic, environmental and climate risks and ensure their access to markets.

3. Context of the Task/Activities
A well-functioning M&E system should be able to collect information and data required to: measure project progresses and outcomes; determine project effects on the livelihoods of the primary target group; assess the relevance of project implementation strategy and procedures; identify and circumvent bottlenecks during project implementation; and support the decision-making process to sustain an efficient and effective project implementation. Evidences on good practices and successful initiatives should be gathered to develop lessons learnt. This knowledge should be properly disseminated among stakeholders and partners with a view to support project performance, policy development and policy dialogue.

4. General and specific objectives. Job description
Under this tender UCIP IFAD will recruit a qualified consultant in Destination and Impact Monitoring Specialist, responsible for Monitoring M&E activities.
Under the supervision of the Monitoring and Evaluation Manager and CPIU IFAD director and in close collaboration with CPIU team, the Destination and Impact Monitoring Specialist (DIMS) will be responsible for the day-to-day M&E operations and activities, ensuring the continuous Project performance monitoring and evaluation of Project results with respect to the defined indicators and respective targets and providing timely and relevant information to Project stakeholders. The DIMS reports to the Monitoring and Evaluation Manager. The position is based at the CPIU office in Moldova with frequent visits to the Project implementation sites.

Main Duties and Responsibilities
• In line with TRTP goals and objectives, the COSOP strategic objectives as well as TRTP targeting strategy, in close coordination with the M&E manager develop and implement effective M&E strategy, systems and tools (M&E plan, MIS, data collection and reporting forms, etc.)
• Implement the Project M&E activities in accordance with the Project guidelines and procedures (including the IFAD COI guidelines) and the annually updated M&E action plan. This plan outlines the scope, organization and contents of the M&E system, roles and responsibilities, participatory approaches, how data will be collected, analysed, reported, used and otherwise managed, data quality assurance mechanisms, timeline for M&E-related activities, staffing and capacity building plan, budget, linkages with KM, etc.

  • Implement systematic collection, storing and analysis of data, both qualitative and quantitative, to inform decision-makers and management and other relevant stakeholders about the project progress against expected results, identify implementation bottlenecks to take timely corrective actions when needed and/or draw lessons learned, and to document project successes to replicate successful interventions.
    • Undertake regular visits to the field in accordance with the calendar plan of M&E activities to engage directly with the beneficiaries and relevant project stakeholders for data collection purposes. Implement data collection from all Project partners, including data on defined performance indicators, to feed into the Project M&E system.
    • Monitor, record and report physical and financial progress of the indicators against AWPB targets.
    • In addition to the indicators identified in the project logical framework, identify appropriate monitoring indicators for each component (gender and age disaggregated as relevant, and disaggregated as per target groups) and use those in measuring the Project progress and outcomes;
    • Contribute to the development of Terms of Reference (TOR) for specific tasks (Baseline, mid-term and endline surveys, ad-hoc and case studies, etc.).
    • Develop and circulate standard data collection forms/tools and reporting templates based on the indicators/information requirements set out in the Project documents that capture both quantitative and qualitative data to the PFIs, the service providers (SPs) including SPs implementing training activities, the CPIU divisions (finance, procurement, component units) etc.
    • Contribute to the preparation of the Project AWPB, Semi-annual and Annual progress reports.
    • Update the M&E MIS and the Project Log-frame constantly, semi-annually, annually, and immediately before the start of IFAD supervision and implementation support missions. Report to IFAD annually on the ORMS indicators.
    • Contribute to the development of M&E reports providing analysis of the wide range of data across components and interventions available in the M&E system and/or collected through field visits.
    • Support the M&E Manager in organizing Project annual review and planning workshops involving Project stakeholders to discuss Project results as well as lessons learned and successful cases. These should be reflected in Project reports and widely disseminated.
    • Work closely with the KM&C specialist while the Knowledge Management and Communication Strategy is being developed.
    • Work closely and coordinate with the KM&C specialist while producing analytical reports, case studies, success stories etc; to ensure appropriate learning and dissemination processes. Document the results and lessons learned for internal use and for public dissemination on the achievements and respond to the information needs of IFAD and the Government on the activities, immediate outcomes of the Project.
    • Coordinate and cooperate with the KM&C specialist for promoting information sharing on all aspects related to programme activities among stakeholders.
    • Jointly with the KM&C specialist continuously capture, synthesize, document and shared innovative experiences, learning and good practices within the programme, within the relevant government ministries with IFAD with in-country partners, other regional and international partners.
    • Ensure that lessons and good practice emerging from the Project support knowledge-based decision making and policy dialogue.
    • Contribute to Project supervision, implementation support and completion missions undertaken by IFAD.
    • Develop and participate in the continuous improvement and update of the Project M&E system, integrating innovative methods and tools, consistent and required for a performant programme;
    • Elaborate and disseminate analytical consolidated information on key Project achievements towards counterparts (i.e. IFAD, Ministries, etc.);
    • Participate to portfolio review exercises and country programme update (COSOP);
    • Enter and update the collected data of the performance indicator in the management information system of CPIU IFAD;
    • Contribute to collaboration with bodies in charge of M&E within the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and the Ministry of Finance especially to interlink the Project M&E system to the national systems;
    • Produce and publish on a mid-year basis an information notes on Project progress and key results;
    • Contribute to Project planning, monitoring and evaluation, regular reporting of Project activities;
    • Support the M&E Manager in the setting up of M&E indicators according to IFAD COI guidelines;
    • Contribute to the development of Terms of Reference (TOR) for specific tasks (Baseline, mid-term and endline surveys, ad-hoc and case studies, etc.).
    • Support the M&E Manager in coordinating the process (selection; backstopping and supervision; quality control of process), seek IFAD’s clearance for key aspects (survey ToRs, then survey methodology, final survey report).
    • Support the M&E Manager in coordinating the Project baseline, mid-term and impact assessment surveys and ensure that the quality standards as per IFAD guidelines are met and that the survey is implemented in line with the approved ToR.
    • Analyse performance indicators and provide recommendations for improving Project activities, including reducing identified risks;
    • Provide assistance to external experts in the Project oversight missions;
    • Undertake any other tasks as assigned by the M&E Manager and Project Manager.

Minimum qualification requirements
At least master’s degree in one of the following: Social Sciences, Political Science, Agricultural Economics, Rural Development, Economics, Project Management/Business Administration, or a similar subject.
• At least 3 years of experience in the design and implementation of M&E/MIS in development projects implemented by national/international NGOs/UN bodies/ Government;
• Strong analytical skills with the ability to draft and write comprehensive reports, presenting research and analysis effectively
• Proven experience in designing tools and strategies for data collection, analysis and report writing;
• Expertise in data entry, storage and management;
• Proficiency in Microsoft office products (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook);
• Knowledge of statistical software for data analysis (e.g. SPSS) and proficiency in GIS software (Google Earth, Galileo);
• Excellent communication skills;
• Specific experience in the agriculture and rural development sector will be an asset;
• Language Requirements: Fluency in written and spoken English and Romanian. while proficiency in Russian is an asset.
• Demonstrated ability to collaborate effectively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals. Strong relationship-building skills with clients and stakeholders;
• Strong relationship-building skills with clients and stakeholders;
• Ability to prioritize tasks, identify critical activities, and adjust priorities as needed;
• Willingness to conduct frequent field visits to project implementation sites.
Expected Outcome
• The M&E framework for the country programme has been improved, is highly efficient and complements the KM&C initiatives, providing analytical information to support IFAD and the line ministries in their piloting and operational roles;
• M&E framework improved internally (Project level). This contributes to better management and improved Project implementation;
• M&E officers who are highly skilled in collecting, analysing and updating data on project implementation and performance.

Selection Criteria
Interested persons should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The passing score for shortlisting is 70%; the top ranked consultant will be invited to submit a proposal in the next stage.
Only persons included in the short list will be requested to submit Technical and financial offers.
Criterion Weight

1. General qualifications: 20
Higher education qualification in one of the following fields: agricultural economics, finance. Master’s degree in the required field is an advantage. 15
Graduation of specific international training courses in the last 5 years; in M&E or auditing or economical analyses. 5
2. Specific previous experience in the field for vacant position: 40
Have at least 3 years’ experience in the field of monitoring (auditing) and evaluation of projects.
In the field of agriculture and / or rural economic development (including the collection and analysis of field-specific indicators) it will be an advantage; 15
Professional experience in field of: economic analysis in agriculture, auditing, monitoring and reporting; 15
Familiarity and solid experience regarding the implementation of grant and development projects; 5
Experience in project planning, monitoring and evaluation, regular reporting of project and programme activities, 5
3. Computer management skills, statistical and GIS software
Skills to use Microsoft Office programmes (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook), experience of managing the website and mobile platforms 10
4. Competencies (through Interview for candidates that score at least 49 points on the above criteria 1 to 3): 30
• Language skills: Fluency in Romanian, English. Russian will be an advantage. 15
• Creative and pragmatic approach to problem solving; Proven capacity to analyze and synthesize 5
• Highest standards of professionalism and integrity 10

The Specialist will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant Selection (ICS) procurement method set out in IFAD project procurement handbook that can be accessed via the IFAD website at https://www.ifad.org/documents.
The top ranked candidates will be invited in due course to submit a technical and financial proposal that will be evaluated and negotiated. The passing score for shortlisting is 70 points.

Interested candidates shall submit information on their credentials to perform the services, including descriptions of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills, qualifications and other relevant information.

Location and period of execution
The consultant will be offered a fixed-term employment contract based on 40-hour weekly work programme at the Consolidated Unit for the Implementation of the IFAD Programs headquartered located in Chisinau city, Stefan cel Mare Av. no. 162.
The expected start of the assignment is end of March, 2025. The contract is valid until the end of TRTP Project (March 2027).
For the selected candidate will be set a one-month probation period, which will start from the date of contract signing.

Project coordination
The consultant will work under the direct supervision of the Monitoring and Evaluation Manager and CPIU IFAD Director.
The consultant will work in close coordination with other CPIU staff, i.e. the Knowledge Management & Communication (KM&C) Specialist, the Gender & Social Inclusion Specialist, the Infrastructure Engineers, the Financial Manager, the Procurement Officers and the Legal Officer.

Services and facilities to be provided by client
Working conditions are common, in the office, with short distance trips to the country or to international meetings abroad. Office with conditions according to health safety rules, with equipment specific to office work (computer, xerox, printer, fax, scanner, Internet connection, etc.). For field visits CPIU will provide Specialist with transport.

For more information, please acces link https://www.ucipifad.md/achizitii/ucip-ifad-anunta-angajarea-unui-specialist-in-monitorizare-si-impact/

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