Call for tender for the provision of intellectual services in the areas of violence against women, domestic violence and gender equality in the Republic of Moldova

The Council of Europe is launching a call for the purchase of intellectual services in the areas of violence against women, domestic violence and gender equality in the Republic of Moldova within the framework of the project “Supporting the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in the Republic of Moldova”.

The purpose of this call is to create a pool of national experts to be contracted on a needs-basis for project activities until December 2023. In this context, the Council of Europe is looking for up to 19 providers in order to support the implementation of the project with a particular expertise on violence against women, domestic violence and gender equality, as well as the Council of Europe’s Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, known as the Istanbul Convention. Tenderers can apply to one or more of the following specific lots:

  • Lot 1: Developing national adaptations and tutoring the HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) online course on violence against women and domestic violence and/or the module for law enforcement for relevant actors (including legal professionals and police)
  • Lot 2: Developing guidelines/methodologies for social workers dealing with violence against women and domestic violence and delivering trainings (including training of trainers and how to develop cascade trainings), including migrant/refugee women among others
  • Lot 3: Facilitating multi-stakeholder roundtables, study visits, high-level events and/or training sessions on topics related to violence against women, domestic violence, gender equality and the Istanbul Convention in the Republic of Moldova or abroad
  • Lot 4: Developing visibility material, preparing and delivering awareness-raising campaigns and/or workshops on violence against women and domestic violence and/or the standards set in the Istanbul Convention, including through capacity-building activities to different stakeholders (state officials, civil society, general public, refugee/migrant women, shelters and support services, etc.)
  • Lot 5: Preparing studies for publication on multi-agency co-operation or other related topics on VAW/DV, including migrant/refugee women, in line with CoE and international standards
  • Lot 6: Editing and proofreading existing materials, brochures, reports and other relevant documents in Romanian before publication with special attention to their conformity to international standards on gender equality

Offers must be sent to the Council of Europe in electronic format only, following the procedures indicated in the call for tenders and tenderers should provide all the documents stated in the section “Documents to be provided”.

The deadline for submission of applications is Sunday, 10 April at 23:59 CET.

Provision of services from selected providers will be ordered on an as needed basis.

Please read carefully the requirements of the call:

 Tender File 

  Act of Engagement