Re-announcement - Tender no. 83392127 for the design and layout of factsheets

The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is looking to contract a professional company for the provision of design and layout of CSO Action factsheets.

GIZ would like to inform the beneficiary population and other stakeholders about the overall results of the EU-funded Action “Citizens' Empowerment in the Republic of Moldova”, its impact, partners role, as well as EU’s support and funding provided.

Thus, GIZ is seeking for graphic design services, to help the project develop easy-read, quality design and layout of two-sided factsheets, in Romanian and English languages, to reflect the CSO Action results

All activities shall be conducted according to the Terms of Reference (ToR).

For the Terms of Reference and eventual questions, please address a message to the e-mail:, indicating the tender number in the message title, not later than November 4, 2021 time 17:00.

Interested companies shall submit the following set of documents:

1) Financial offer. The financial offer will be made in MDL (VAT 0 %) and shall be provided in detail, i.e. per task/deliverable. (all in a separate sealed envelope)


2) Technical offer the bidder will present (all in a separate sealed envelope):

  • Description of the implementation schedule;
  • Curriculum Vitae with Portfolio of design work and/or list of similar projects from the past with links to existing products (if such were made public). Samples of products could also be attached, but not more than 5 pieces of works relevant for this assignment;
  • Recommendation letters from previous clients (at least 2), if available;
  • Contact data of persons responsible for the assignment implementation and coordination;
  • Certificate of the organization registration in the RM (copy);
  • Certificates and authorizations confirming the permission to carry out the requested activities;
  • No-debt certificate issued by the Moldovan Tax Inspection or copy of the latest financial report;
  • Company bank data, including bank name and IBAN for MDL.

Bids evaluation will be performed based on the ratio 70% for the technical offer and 30% for the financial offer.


Applications shall be delivered in sealed envelopes, showing the tender number (83392127) and subject on it, to the address of GIZ Office Chisinau (73/1 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Boulevard, NBC building; 9th floor, Chișinău) not later than November 9, 2021, time 17:00.


Please note that applications received after the deadline, as well as incomplete applications will not be considered. Financial offers containing other currency than MDL (Moldovan Lei) will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise or cancel this tender.