“In your arms does not mean safe!”



“In your arms does not mean safe!”- this is the key message promoted by the Speaker of RM Parliament, Adrian Candu, in a social video on the use of special child restraints produced by the Automobile Club of Moldova within the “Keep your kids safe in cars!” project.

As national road safety ambassador, Mr. Candu and his family accepted to be the main heroes of a short film, urging the society to be more responsible on the roads and transport children safely, by using special seats or other types of restraint or adaptation systems.

In 2013, in Moldova the new modifications of the road traffic regulations came into force, requiring the use of child restraint systems (CRS), adapted to age and physical characteristics, for transporting children under 12 years old by car. At the same time, the law allows the use of other restraint methods (like boosters and other restraint systems) that make possible to fasten correctly and safely a child with vehicle’s seat belt.

Violations of rules to use child restraint system results in penalties of 9 to 12 conventional units by assigning 3 penalty points.

The main objective of the “Keep your kids safe in cars!”  project is to implement a national campaign to promote the use of child restraint systems in transport units. This campaign is being carried out in partnership with the International Automobile Federation (FIA), the FIA ​​Foundation, EASST, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Patrolling Inspectorate.

You can see the video here: https://youtu.be/T40Oo-mgqlA

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